Everything Was Definitely Not Ok

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"What was that?!" Keysio screams. "It looked to be like a glitch of some sort." Denis says. "I've never seen anything like it." Kreek adds on. Lego whispered something in Kreeks ear. He laughs.

"Hyper! Stop!" Sarah shouts from the back. "I would but we're running for our lives." Hyper jokes. "No seriously, I saw something." Hyper stops the car, and lets everyone out.

They were stopped on the side of the road. Sarah walks towards something. It was car tracks. Sarah motions for the squad to come closer. Tanqr bends down, touches the tracks. "It's around 3 days old."

"How did you even know that?!" Ashley asks. Tanqr rolls his eyes, walking upon the car tracks. Everyone follows. "Hey Bandi, isn't that your car?" Denis asks, spotting a car. Bandi and Denis run over to the car.

Bandi walks around the car. "Yeah it is.. it's mine and Sketch's." Bandi says, hand on the car. "Hey! Over here!" Betty says, kneeling over dirt.

"Hold on!" Denis says. "Hey Bandi, is the car damaged? Does the engine run?" Denis asks. Bandi grabs a rock, smashes the window open and climbs in. The engine started up. "No and Yes." Bandi says, through the broken window.

"So that means Sketch came here willingly." Ashley says, appearing from behind the car. "GUYS!" Betty shouts. "Footprints."

The squad follows the footprints, the trail was very rigged. Only one thing on there mind. "Why did Sketch come here?"

"A cave?" A confused Lego asks. "Hyper! Go get some flashlights." Kreek says. "Alright!" Hyper runs back. After a while of waiting, Hyper returns with a hand full of flashlights.

"The footprints end here. He has to be in here." Molly says. But he wasn't. Eventually the squad gave up. They realized they had to get back to the van.

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