Trustworthy Lies

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The gang formed a circle, but Bandi wasn't in it. Bandi kept walking until he cried. "Guys.." The gang didn't trust this, they knew someone or something was trying to kill them.

From the glitch at Brookhaven to the shaking mine, there was no way they all would make it out alive. And they were right- a little. There was a blue and black sword. It was Russo's. The man everyone loved. He was amazing. He had to be somewhere around here, I mean, he wouldn't leave his life in a ditch, right?

Tanqr picked up the sword and sure enough, it still worked. "Weird.." He says. Whatever, they might need this for later if it ends up being like the- "THAT'S IT!" Tanqr yells. "The final battle. You know how they said it would end up being about saving the universe? Come on, we have to get back."

Nobody really understood what he meant, but the only thing they could think about was getting out of the collapsing hole. Rocks flying left and right, it was almost like an obby. Maybe if they stayed just a little longer, they would have seen Sketch watching them from the corner.

"OW!" Molly got hit by one of the flying rocks. "MOLLY, are you ok?!" Holly asks, luckily it was right by the van. Molly nods her head. She knew she shouldn't lie to Holly, but she had no choice, she wasn't the one everybody was looking for.

The music in the van was too calm for the situation they were in. But it was relaxing, Hyper had to admit. Being in the back with no seatbelts was hard. The six people in the back were sliding around.

Molly tugged on her shirt sleeve, she rolled it up. There was this huge gash on her right arm. Luckily she was left-handed. Molly tried to roll it back down before anybody noticed, but Holly had already seen it.

She crawled her way across the van to sit by Molly. "What is that?" She asks. "Nothing." Molly responds, trying to get the question away from her mind. "It doesn't look like nothing." Holly said, scooting herself closer to the bleeding girl.

"Holly, please." "You can't just not do anything about that. You could lose a lot of blood." Molly knew her best friend was right. Molly sighs before saying "I'm fine, Holly."

But obviously Holly doesn't listen. "Hyper." She says. "Are there any gas stations that are closed?" "Uh yeah, the one near the camp at Bloxburg. Why?" Hyper asks. But knowing Holly, she probably just needed a break.

Hyper parked the van near the back of the gas station. By the time he opened the back, Holly and Molly were already outside. Lego broke the glass and the security cameras, and they went inside.

The two girls ran all the way to the first aid section, and started bandaging up Molly's arm. Molly tried to convince Holly she didn't need it and was ok, but Holly didn't stop.

Kreek and Tanqr, on the other hand, went over to steal "supplies" as they called it. It was mostly just lighters and matches.

Ashley and Peetah stole food. They mostly stole unhealthy food. They were pretty used to this.

Keysio went and stole clothes. Denis, Dani and Bandi went to steal energy drinks, and Lego, he stole scraps of metal, and lots of it.

Hyper didn't have the gut to steal anything. Luke, Betty and Sarah took all the money. (Everyone saw that coming.)

Once everyone was satisfied with the amount of stuff they stole, they headed towards the rbb studio. "Wait! We need to go to the BPD, we need weapons. We aren't just gonna use Lego Kreek and Tanqr." Molly says.

"I am not breaking into the BPD, Gregors would be furious if he saw me with you." Hyper says. "No, you aren't. You would cause a distraction while we steal weapons." Holly adds on. Hyper sighs before agreeing.


"Hello, Hyper!" Gregors says. "Hello, sir." "Is it just you?" "Yes, sir." "Well that's a shame, but come in come in!" Hyper made sure to leave the door open as he was walking inside.

Molly made sure that nobody was near before walking inside. "So what brings you here today?" Molly could hear their conversation, so she knew they were near.

"I just wanted to update you on the current situation." Hyper says. "The house seems to be abandoned. The house also resembles Sketch and Bandi's house, if you know who the two are."

"This way." Peetah says, leading the group of wanted criminals. The group could no longer hear the conversation, so they were good to go.

"Hm.." Gregors whispers. "I found nothing." "Hm, maybe it's just an abandoned house." "Maybe, by the way, have you seen Sarah, Molly, Betty, Holly or Luke? They escaped a few days back." Gregors asks, hoping for a yes from Hyper.

Hyper knew he could either throw them under the bus, or keep their secret so they could figure this out together, and maybe end the hatred between the two sides.

Hyper knew these were both drastically different options that could change the story in two different ways, but his gut told him to say no. "No, sir. I will keep an eye out, though."

The seven people pulling on the door handle was finally enough to let them inside. Inside was filled with weapons, and I mean lots. "Wow.." Ashley murmurs. Even in the RBB studio, she had never seen this many weapons.

"What about Poke, Ashli and Cari?" "They uh- they're sick."

"We need to hurry before Hyper finishes talking to Gregors." Molly says, grabbing an insane amount. "Don't you think this is enough?" Holly asks. Her fear of weapons became stronger the more she stood here. "Uh sure." Molly said, noticing the fearful look on Holly's face.

"That's unfortunate isn't it?" Gregors says. "Is there anything I could do for them?" Hyper shakes his head, no. "That's the other thing I came to see you about, I won't be able to come in for a while." Hyper says, hearing the seven people walking outside. "That's ok, just call me if there's anything I can do."

"Hurry!" Molly whispers. Hyper closes the door to his office and motions for them to come closer.

"Great timing." Hyper says, loading the insane amount of weapons into the van. "How are they going to fit?" Dani asks.

"There's a box right there." Kreek says, pointing to the cardboard box near the trash can.

Hyper shrugs and grabs the cardboard box from behind the garbage can. It wasn't the biggest of boxes, but it'd work.

Once Hyper started driving the van towards the rbb studio, Holly lifted up Molly's sleeve. "It's still bleeding." She says. Molly shrugs. "If I die I die, it's not like anybody but you four would miss me." "That's not true, Molly. Everyone here would be devastated if you died."

"Not Hyper, that's for sure." Molly laughs, but Holly still stares at her. "I'm fine, Holly, I promise." Molly says, resting her head on Holly's shoulder

Ok so the reason I'm posting so closely is because I wrote these chapters during school, so I literally just copied and pasted lolol

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