Now Would Be a Good Time to be Anyone But Me

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Hyper locks his door and just sits in front of it. What if that exact nightmare he had would happen? So many thoughts in his head.

Hyper checked the time, got dressed, and went to the car. (Even though they didn't have to leave for another hour.)

Hyper ended up falling asleep. The other three got in the car, woke up Hyper (I mean he is the driver) and they left. Poke noticed the lack of speaking, but then again, it was early in the morning.

"Are you sure this is it?" Hyper says, stopping the car. He immediately puts his hand over his mouth. Just like in the nightmare, the house seemed to be 20 years old, and abandoned at 10.

The gang splits up, just like the nightmare. It was very silent, the only noise being the boy's footsteps. "Hyper, are you ok? You haven't talked all day." Poke says. "Yes I'm fine Poke." But by the tone of his voice, you could tell that he wasn't fine.

"Hyper, I'm your best friend. I know when your lying." Poke says as he noticed a key. That did it. Hyper threw the key yelling something along the lines of "I'M FINE POKE!"

"Dude what is wrong with you?! That key was the only clue we had." Poke runs towards the key. Hypers eyes started swelling up.

Poke spots the door that matches the key, but before he could get to it Hyper was blocking it. "Hyper, move." Hyper tried to speak but the only thing that came out was a "No."

Poke got very annoyed with Hyper at this point. He tried to push Hyper away, but it was if he was a wall. (A crying one at that.)

"Hyper. Why are you crying? Do you know something I don't?!" Hyper shakes his head no. He gave up, he knew it would happen sooner or later, and the anticipation was horrible. He moves away from the door.

Instead of watching and waiting, he ran off. Opened the car door and took off. When he finally reached his studio it was already dark, and that was when he realized he left his best friend, his girlfriend and his own SISTER in a death trap.

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