Emotions Are For Children

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Hyper opened the door to the studio, all he wanted to do was forget about this. He knew even if he went back, they'd already be dead.

Instead of going straight to his room, he saw baby Poke and baby Hyper. He was done for. "Hi Hyper! Where's my dad? He's been gone all day and I'm literally starving."

Hyper tried not to cry, but he couldn't help it. He ran out of the studio, and started the car. He couldn't tell them.

The only other people he thought would understand was the finalists. He opened up his phone and texted them telling them to meet him at the ice cream bar.

They all sat down before Hyper starts the conversation by saying "I think I killed Poke, Cari and Ashli."

Four different people saying four different things. "I just sat down." "Sweet little Hyper killing his friends?" "Explain." and "Oh."

Hyper explains by stating "I had a nightmare, in the exact same place we were investigating, Poke died in this specific spot, and as soon as we went there earlier today, we started fighting. Instead of waiting for his death, I left, started the car, and left the three in the death trap."

The four adults stared in disbelief. Including Tanqr, the man that usually supports violence. Before anyone could say anything Denis got a notification on his phone.

Denis gasps. "What?!" "Sketch is." Denis couldn't finish the sentence. "SKETCH IS WHAT?!" Kreek yells, he's not good with death, especially when it's his friends.

"...Missing." Ashley covers her mouth as if trying not to let out a cry. Even though Tanqr had a mask covering his entire face the finalists could tell he was crying.

"Come on, we've got to go to the hosts." Kreek says getting up.

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