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"Peetah! Are you joking? Already?! That noise could've just been a drunk person!" Hyper yells. "No not that. THAT." Peetah points to a door.

By this time the others were already climbing through the windows. The trio runs over to the only open window. Legos helmet scratched as he climbed through the window.

"Where are they?" Bandi asks, looking all around. "We actually didn't find them, BUT." Ashley points to the same door that Peetah pointed to. Apparently everyone knew what they meant as they start walking towards the door.

The door reads "Reserved for Hyper." Kreek tried to open the door, but it was locked. Tanqr pushed Kreek out of the way, grabs a paper clip, and unlocks the door.

He opens the door, lets the trio walk in first and- "Look who we have here." A girl with blonde pigtails says. "Sarah." "Hyper." Kreek and Tanqr looks at each-other with a "What?" expression.

There was already around five people in the room. A girl with low blonde pigtails, a girl with a blonde ponytail, a girl with high blonde pigtails, a boy with black hair, and a girl with brown hair.

"Who are these people?" Molly, the girl with a blonde ponytail asks, pointing to the others. "Hyper has friends besides his little crew?" Holly, the girl with brown hair mocks.

"Alright, shut up all of you. Why are you here?" Ashley says, folding her arms. "Well, we saw that it said this was reserved for you, so we broke in. We were about to leave." 

A glass fell and broke. Kreek went to clean it up, but both sides pulled him back. "Don't touch that." Hyper and Luke, the boy with black hair, says in unison.

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