"Get a Job" I Say Unemployed

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"And what does this have to do with me?" Lego asks. Kreek sighs. "Because we need your magic, Lego. Your the only one we think can help us." Ashley says. Ashley nudges Hyper. "Ow- And I may of killed Poke, Cari and my sister Ashli."

Keysio immediately looks at Hyper, scared. "What." Both Lego and Keysio say in unison. "Listen, there's no time to explain just please come with us." Hyper pleads.

Lego rolls his eyes (even though nobody could see him through his helmet) but agrees. Everyone smiles. "Alright, come on." Lego grabs the teleportation traps and follows the gang outside.

"Where do we go next?" Keysio asks, putting on her seatbelt. Ashley and Hyper looks at each other before Hyper says "Bloxburg." "Yeah, if we're going to do this we need a lot of people. Peetah needs to know about this before whoever killed the trio kills him." Ashley adds on.
Ashley knocks on his door, it was a nice house, looking to be at the oldest a year old. Peetah answers the door. "Yeah? Oh hi Ashley." "Hi, Peetah, listen, you need to leave." Ashley looks around making sure nobody was near before whispering "Poke, Cari and Ashli are dead, and Sketch, Dj, Russo and Sabrina are missing."

"What?" Peetah asks confused and scared. "Hyper will explain in the car, come on." Ashley drags Peetah into the car. "So..what happened?" Peetah asks.

Tanqr laughs under his breath before saying "Sweet little sloth killer over here left his best friend, his girlfriend and his sister to die, and then Sketch went missing." Hyper gives him a death stare while Kreek hits him.

"What? I'm not wrong." Everyone ignores Tanqr. Hyper starts the car, and they make there way out of Bloxburg. "Do you guys think we should go to Bandi's? Or am I just a bit worried." Denis asks. "No! Denis your genius! Whoever or whatever took Sketch is most definitely going for Bandi, and we could check the security cameras." Kreek says. Hyper drives the car out of the tunnel. "Why does the spots always have to be somewhere I don't know." He mutters before turning on some music.

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