This Is Why I Don't Socialize

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Ashley waits at the front door, and waits, and waits, until "Hey Ashley, what's wrong?" Ashley looks at the boys. Hyper gulps before saying "Poke, Cari and Ashli are dead, and Sketch is missing."

Keysios face changes from a happy expression to a confused expression. "Wait wait wait, three people are dead and one missing?!" Keysio asks, hoping the five people in front of her are lying. Kreek nods.

"Yep, and notice how it's exactly the exact same week R.B is starting?!" Denis says, well more yells. The squad ignores Denis. "Have you seen everyone else?" Keysio asks. Hyper shakes his head no before saying "We can't find the hosts either."

Keysio turns her attention to Ashley. "Ok.. what about everyone else? You know, Peetah, Woozlo and Devoun and all them?" Ashley doesn't get a chance to respond as Kreek interrupts with "That's genius! If anyone was to know where they were it would be Lego!" Ashley and Keysio look at each other confused.

"We really only need one car." Tanqr says with Kreek adding on with "I'm the only one in this group who knows where Lego is." Hyper shrugs and says "It should be my car, I have more than enough seats and more than enough supplies." Nobody argues. "Come on." Denis says already outside.
"Lego!" Everyone yells. Kreek puts his arms out in-front of the squad, knowing how Lego would enter. Kreek was right. A teenager with an iron-man looking suit falls from the roof.

Everyone gasps (besides Kreek). Kreek puts his arms down. Multiple "What the hell." and "Are you ok?!" comes behind Lego. "What do you want this time?" Lego says clearly annoyed. Lego dusts off his suit and stares at the six people in front of him.

"We need your help, Sketch, Russo, Dj and Sabrina are missing, along with Poke, Cari and Ashli being dead." Kreek starts. "Very funny, Ashley is right there." Lego says turning around. "No, Hypers sister, Ashli." Ashley states.

"And what does this have to do with me?"

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