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"Where are we?" Betty asks. This was not the same studio they were at last time. No, it looked to be abandoned.

"How did we get here? We took the exact directions." Keysio asks, getting out of the van. It was dark, instead of the neon blue, neon green and neon purple, it was light blue and bright orange.

"I keep traveling through different time-lines. That must be why Brookhaven was being destroyed, and it explains why we saw Bandi's house in the future." Hyper says, walking in a circle.

"But how? We would need an insane amount of energy, and wouldn't it take longer to travel through time?" Sarah asks. Kreek shakes his head. "Traveling through timelines takes the same amount of time. Trust me, I would know." He says.

Tanqr agrees. "But the question is, how did we travel? We didn't have any gear and or energy. Molly's right. We would've needed an insane amount of energy to travel."

"Not necessarily, it depends on how far the gap between time was. If it was around three years, we wouldn't need that much." Lego says, adjusting his helmet. "What year are we in?" Luke asks, walking towards the front of the car.

"I have no idea, but if I were to guess, I'd say twenty-eighty." Holly says, grabbing the first-aid kit from the back of the van. That was around thirty years in the future from their correct time-line. Hyper shrugged. "Hey, guys, come here." Luke says, half yelling. He opened the hood of the van. Hyper walks over, half expecting for Luke to scare him, but he doesn't. Instead he looks shocked out of his mind.

"Oh my god." Hyper mutters. Lego, being the person he is, walks over. "What's the matter- oh my god what is that?" Lego tried to touch it, but the two boys grabbed him and pulled him back.

"MOLLY, HOLLY, ASHLEY, PEETAH, SARAH, BETTY, COME HERE!" Luke yells. "What?" Holly asks, walking over. "Look.." Luke mutters, pointing to the engine. The amount of gasps and shrieks happening at the same time were loud enough to have a deaf person hear.

"How..how did it get here..?" Holly asks, backing up. "When did it..get in here..?" Betty asks, horrified. "What is it? Why won't you let me touch it?" Lego asks, looking at Hyper. "It's chemical U." Hyper responds, as if Lego would know what that was.

"What?" Lego asks, confused out of his mind. By this time the eight Bloxburg citizens were far away from the van's engine.

"It's literally the most dangerous thing. Think about the piggy-infection, except it mind-controls you with just one touch, and the thing is, it can destroy anything." Hyper may have over-exaggerated, but it got the point across.

"It can't be that bad." Kreek says, walking towards the group of horrified people. "I had to save Poke. He got kidnapped and mind-controlled. It is that bad." "What do you mean 'save Poke.'?" Keysio says, walking towards the group. "I mean I saved Poke from becoming un-sentient." Hyper says. 

"Well, were stuck, we aren't  using that van anymore." Molly says, making sure they would take her point seriously. "I agree. We don't know what could happen." Holly says. "Anything to do with chemical U brings back memories, and not good ones." Ashley says. "Whoever is doing this to us has to know about our fears." Luke says. 

"I thought we ended it." Hyper says, still shocked. "Isn't Sandra dead?!" Betty asks. The others were extremely confused, if their faces weren't enough to tell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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