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It had been about 25 years. And Dawn was really happy. She was well sorta married to Shockwave. They have 3 beautiful children. Twins named RoseWave, and LaserWave. And their third child RazorWave. Dawn was busy cooking and cleaning when she felt hands wrapping around her. She knew who the hands belonged to. Her husband and sparkmate Shockwave.

Hey Shock. Hey. You look so beautiful you know that. Shock please you are making me blush. So have you heard how Soundwave is doing? Yes. In fact I heard from Soundwave that his sparkmate is alive. What, how. From our creator Primus. He told me that Primus gave her a second chance. I see. Dawn went over and washed one of the other dishes. Soon the doors opened.

Sire, carrier, we are home. Dawn looked. So how was school? Okay. But it's boring. RoseWave walked in. I heard my brother say science was dumb. Shockwave lifted his head up and looked at his children. But I don't think so. I want to be a scientist just like sire. RoseWave walked and headed to her room. Son, is this true? Yeah. Why with science. It's too difficult. Son, you know I can always help you. But I know the subjects would be different because it's human science.

LaserWave walked over and sat down and showed him the subject. It's this sire. It's just too difficult. Shockwave looked at it. Meanwhile RoseWave was sitting when she felt changes. She looked and saw her look was different. She immediately screamed. Sire, carrier.

Shockwave and Dawn heard her screaming and calling for them. They immediately ran to see what was wrong. Shockwave opened the door. RoseWave, what is it? Sire, carrier my look is different, why. Shockwave chuckled. RoseWave, it's nothing to worry about. We should have told you about it. But you are techno-organic. Techno what now. Techno-organic. It is mixed with Cybertronians and human CNA, and DNA.

Oh. Will my brothers have the same experience? Yes they will. But mechs take a while. But with femmes they catch on pretty quickly. But do take it easy with your techno organic form. Yes sire. Shockwave got up and walked with Dawn. Dawn was thinking. Shockwave looked down and saw his wife thinking about something. Sweet spark. Is something wrong?

Somewhat. She walked and sat down at the table. Shockwave, you guys live a lot longer than we do. I don't want to, you know, die. Shockwave walked over and sat down. Sweet spark. We have a way where you can be us. Dawn looked up. Okay, tell me. I'll set up a lab in one of the caves and I'll let you know when it's ready. Dawn looked at him and nodded.

Dawn walked to their room and went inside. Shockwave watched her and felt terrible. He didn't want to lose his wife. He got up and went to her. Dawn was in the bathroom crying until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Shockwave. Shock. She went and hugged him. Then they went to their room. Dawn went on and fell into recharge. Shockwave went after and fell into recharge.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now