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It was morning and it was a day off from school. The girls woke up and already had breakfast. StarMega got her things ready because she felt her father was picking her up today. She can't wait to tell him about the video. She walked out. A couple minutes later her father came by. She hugged her friends. Bye guys. She walked and climbed into her father's cockpit.

So how did it go? He asked her. Good. Soon she giggled and laughed. What's so funny, StarMega. Last night we watched a video. Okay. So what's so funny about the video. It was with you and Stardust. Soon she felt her father blushing and turning red. Don't tell me the video was when she hit the button and it was recording and I fell down. Yes dad, it was. It was hilarious. It was not. Megatron said to her. Yes it was, dad. She replied back to him. You dare argue with me. Father, relax it was just only a video. Yes but an embarrassing video. Soon he took off.

The girls watched. I wonder if she told him, StellarBlaze. Probably. She said responding back to RoseWave's question. RoseWave is your carrier picking you up. I think so. Soon she saw her carrier's car. She went and hugged StellarBlaze. Bye StellarBlaze. She walked and entered her carrier's alt mode. So did you have fun? Yes. We had a lot of fun yesterday. We saw a video and it was hilarious. The video was with Stardust and Megatron. Oh. Well I am glad you had fun. Is dad busy today? Not really why. I need to ask him something. Knockout told me that I need to learn more. It is something about science. I see. Your father is very proud of you for how well you are doing.

Soon they arrived at home. RoseWave walked out and went to her sire's lab. She walked and saw her sire working. Hi sire. Shockwave turned and saw his daughter. Hello RoseWave. Did you have fun? Yeah. But question. It's about science. She walked over and showed him. Shockwave stopped what he was doing and looked it over. Ah yes. I heard of this but haven't done much with it. Is it really hard, sire. Somewhat. But it is with chemistry so it will be hard. Oh. Why does everything have to be hard, sire. Shockwave chuckled. It just is. Everything is hard actually. Oh, how can you describe it sire. Well, you see I am Cybertronian. And we Cybertronians had to learn the ways on what humans do. For example, we have to learn with their food. And how they talk. Oh. I think I get it, sire. I also turned in my other assignment that I did. My teacher told me that I didn't have to do it yet. But I told him I like to be ahead. Yes, I understand. But don't overdo yourself. I don't want you to get overstressed with it. I won't sire. RoseWave walked over and hugged her sire. I love you sire. Shockwave bent down. I love you too kiddo. You are making me proud. More than with LaserWave. RoseWave giggled. Well I want to make you proud. Shockwave chuckled. Well you are.

RazorWave was in his room. But he was still learning. But what he did was that he colored on his walls and had hand painted on his wall. LaserWave walked in and gasped. Carrier. You and sire might want to see this. Dawn walked over. She gasps. RAZORWAVE! SHOCKWAVE GET IN HERE NOW! Shockwave came in. OH FOR PRIMUS SHAKE! Shockwave walked in and lifted RazorWave and took him to get a bath. It was about 6 hours and it was getting late. The twins were already in bed. And RazorWave was put in bed and he fell asleep. Soon Shockwave and Dawn followed after them. They soon all drifted off to sleep.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now