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It was morning and Dawn and Shockwave were starting to wake up. Dawn got up and went to her kitchen. Shockwave went to the bathroom to freshen up. Dawn finished cooking breakfast. She then went to wake up the children. She went to RoseWave's room. She opened the door. Sweetie, it's time to wake up. And breakfast is ready. Yawns, okay mommy. Dawn then walked off and headed to LaserWave's room. She opened the door. Son, it's time to wake up and breakfast is ready. Okay mom. She then walked to RazorWave's room. She opened the door but didn't see him.

She then got really nervous and scared because she didn't know where he was. She went and headed to Shockwave. She looked but didn't see him. But she walked to the bathroom. She looked and saw him in the bathroom. Hey honey. I know my bond isn't strong enough yet with our kids but can you feel if RazorWave is nearby. Why? I went to his room and he wasn't in there. Shockwave walked out and felt his son's bond. He is nearby.

RazorWave was in his father's lab looking at photos and notes. I like that one. The one he liked was the one of Predaking. That his father created. Soon he heard a door open. He looked and saw his father. Son, what are you doing? Looking at these. I like that one. What is it? Shockwave walked over and activated his holoform. Oh, that figure is called a Predacon that I made. His name is Predaking. I don't know the exact location he is at. The last time I saw him was on Cybertron.

So have you figured out how to transform into your techno organic form. Yeah. But I like my human form. I understand but me and your carrier would like to see. Anyways it's time for breakfast, son. Okay sire. RazorWave walked off. Shockwave picked up the papers and walked out.

Dawn was sitting down when she heard the doors open. Son. Where were you? In my father's lab. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I saw photos and other things on experiments that sire did. My favorite one was Predaking. Dawn remembered him. Oh yes. I remember him. Soon Shockwave walked in. So LaserWave have you figured out how to transform. Yeah. Watch. Soon LaserWave transformed into his techno form.

Dawn was surprised. You look great. What about you, RazorWave? Carrier, I like my human form. But if you insist. Soon he transformed into his techno form. Dawn smiled. You also look great in your form. No matter what we love you no matter what you are. We know, Carrier.

After finishing up. The kids went and gathered their things. They walked out and headed for the school bus. Shockwave and Dawn watched. Now they were alone. Dawn walked and giggled. Shockwave turned and titled his helm. What's so funny, my dear. Nothing. It's just that we are finally alone.

Shockwave chuckled. Yes we are. And I know what you are wanting. We haven't had it for a while since before the kids were born. Yeah. That last time we did it was when the war was still going. It was when Megatron was still the Leader Of The Decepticons.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now