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Really. Huh. I don't know why he didn't say anything to me. They both walked and talked to each other. I walked until I saw the twins. The twins turned and saw you. Gasp. Stardust. They immediately ran and knocked me down. Easy, you two. Sorry Stardust, but we missed you. I know I missed you too. And I missed you too RazorWave. I looked more closely at Dawn. Dawn you look different but in a good way. It's just a compliment.

Dawn smiled. Thank you Stardust. I am a Cybertronian like you guys. Knockout was surprised. I haven't seen this before. But I heard of it. Knockout looked at his internal clock. Sweet spark, we should get going. Your father and mother are waiting for us. Shockwave looked at us. Soundwave and StellarMoon are here on earth. Yeah. Mother and father found a place. I'll let them know you said hi. You better Stardust. Anyways it was nice seeing you all again. Same here. Soon they went their separate ways.

Well, it was nice seeing them. Yes it was my dear. It's been a while since we haven't seen them. The last time we saw them was when the war was still going on and when I was still working for Lord Megatron. Hmm. I can remember the first time I met you, Shockwave. Shockwave sighs. Please don't remind me that my dear. You were feisty back then and you still are. But in a good way. Hey. But soon Dawn giggled. Me, feisty. Well, I can remember that it was the first fight or argument that we had.

What was the fight about Carrier? Well, let's see. Don't you even dare or think about it Dawn. Can you stop me? Shockwave flickered his antennas and walked over and sat down. Dawn giggled. Well, when I first met your father he actually, well let's say kidnapped me. But it was for a good reason.

Oh. Why? Well, you see Stardust had some personal issues with her armor and body changing. And your father made a serum for her. He didn't want to use it on her yet. So he used it on me. You said you had a fight with, sire. What did you say? Dawn chuckled. Well, I called your sire and oversized robot because I was scared. Gasp. Carrier. But I also called Megatron Buckethead. But later I got along with everyone. Including with your sire.

Shockwave listened and lightly chuckled. Sire, what did you call Carrier when you had a fight? Uh, I called her fleshly, or fleshing. That's the name of what we call humans. But don't say that to your friends at school or to anyone because it isn't nice. Yes, sire.

Soon later on the kids were in their room working and studying. RoseWave was working on her science project. She was putting a thing together when it fell. Oh. She almost got frustrated but messaged her father through her bond. Sire, can you come to my room? I need help putting my science project together. Of course sweetie, I'll be there in a few seconds. Soon Shockwave walked in. So what do you need help with? This sire. This is coming off. Shockwave walked over and helped her with her project. Finally the project was done. Thank you, sire. You're welcome. Anyways it is late and it's time for bed. Alright sire. Soon everyone went to bed and went into a recharge.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now