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Warning: mature. If you are under the age 18 please leave. If you cringe at lemon then please leave. Note: not very good at mature stuff/things but I try my best.

Dawn and Shockwave walked and headed inside. Dawn walked and Shockwave locked the doors. He walked over and looked at her. She was so beautiful and he was happy that he was her husband. He went forward and started kissing her neck. She moaned, feeling him. He then went and kissed her and pushed his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned with pleasure feeling his tongue.

Shock. Please. Please what my dear. Shockwave whispered to her. I want you. She whispered to Shockwave. Want what. He said in a seductive tone. OH JUST PLEASE FRAG ME OKAY! She yelled at him. Very well. Shockwave went and took her codpiece off. He then took his off. My dear this will hurt but the pain will go away. He said to her, telling her that this will hurt. Dawn nodded. He then went forward and Dawn winced at the feeling. Shockwave went and kissed her and wiped her tears. You can move now. She whispered to Shockwave. Shockwave nodded and then went and slowly started thrusting in her.

Dawn immediately moaned saying his name. She went and wrapped her servos around his neck. Ummm. S...Shock. This feels so...g...ood. I know my dear. Your walls feel amazing wrapped around my spike. He said as he went further and Dawn's vision went blurry for a moment. Shock, I...I am close. So am I dear. He kept thrusting in and out. Soon Dawn felt a knot forming. Soon it snapped and she screamed Shockwave's name. Shockwave went more until she overloaded hard on his spike. He grunted and moaned and he went further and soon his hips and back jerked and he filled her womb/tank with his transfluid. He immediately collapsed on her. He then laid right next to her. That was something else, Shock. Yes indeed it was. We should do this on a different occasion. Dawn smiled. Yes we should Shock. Have you ever thought of meeting up with Megatron again or visiting him. Just curious. No, I haven't thought of it my dear. But I'll think about it. They were having their cuddles when Shockwave's pad went off. Shockwave looked and reached over. He grabbed it and turned it on. What. When did he return? Shockwave immediately got up and went to his lab.

Predaking was in Shockwave's lab waiting for him. He growled. Where is he? Soon the doors opened. He looked and saw his creator Shockwave. Shockwave, it's about time you showed up. Showed up for what, Predaking. And what brings you here. Well, have you seen DarkSteel, and SkyLynx? They haven't reported to me for a while. No, I haven't seen them Predaking. Soon Predaking saw a femme walking through. Gasp. Predaking. Sorry do I know you femme. Predaking, it's me Dawn. Dawn, is that really you. Yeah. Since when were you a Cybertronian? I thought you were a human. Dawn walked over to Shockwave. Yes I was. But I made a decision to be a Cybertronian because I didn't want to die. I wanted to live longer and spend the rest of my life with the mech that I loved and our children that we love. Children. How many sparklings do you have now Shockwave? We have 3. Twins RoseWave, and LaserWave. And a son named RazorWave. And I know a certain someone would love to see you. Oh and who's that Shockwave? My son RazorWave. He actually saw papers of my work that I did when I first created you. Shockwave looked at his internal clock. And looks like they should be home right about now. Soon they heard voices.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now