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It was morning and RoseWave got her project. Her mother was waiting for her outside. Shockwave was resting still in pain after what happened yesterday. She went and walked into her parents room and kissed her sire on the cheeks. And walked out. A smile formed on Shockwave's face. He looked and saw RoseWave leaving. He then went back to recharge.

RoseWave walked out and climbed into her mother's alt mode. I was wondering if everything was alright. Huh. Everything is okay, carrier. I just gave sire a kiss on his cheeks to get well. That was sweet of you honey. LaserWave then walked out and climbed in. Sorry it took so long. Couldn't find my papers. But I found them. Dawn they drove off. They made it to school. They climbed out of their carrier's alt mode and LaserWave helped take out her sister's project. Thanks brother. Sure. Bye carrier. She went off home to help take care of Shockwave.

RoseWave was walking when she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw StarMega's father. Mega. Hello RoseWave. And hello LaserWave. Hi Mega. Sis, here's your project I need to get to class. Soon he walked off. Megatron looked down and saw that RoseWave was sad. He bent down. RoseWave is everything okay. He asked her. No, not really. She replied. Oh, and why's that. Sire got hurt badly yesterday. He tripped and fell and shattered his optic. Knockey said he will be in pain for about 5 days. Oh dear. Well, your father is tough. Trust me. I have worked with your father and I have seen how tough he is. He has been through a lot more/worse than you think. Yeah that's what sire said yesterday. Megatron chuckled. I better get going. Soon Megatron left.

RoseWave walked and entered her teachers room. Mr. Sanchez here is my project. He looked and was surprised. Well done. Thank you sir. Well, I also had help from my baby brother. Which was cute. Mr. Sanchez chuckled. Well, yes I guess it is. I have children of my own. So I perfectly understand. It was about 5 or 4 hours and school was almost over. RoseWave walked out with her brother but saw Megatron outside with his daughter. He looked and walked to them. Your carrier asked me to pick you two up. Shockwave is I guess I can say he is in severe pain. They all walked into an area where no one could see them.

They saw Megatron's alt mode sitting in the forest. They walked closer and soon his holoform fizzled out. His cockpit opened and StarMega helped them climb in. Once they were in, Megatron took off. So what grade did you get on your project sis. A+. LaserWave Sighs. I should've known. StarMega elbowed him. Ow. That hurt StarMega. Oh you big baby. Megatron chuckled. Soon Megatron landed and let them out. Bye guys see you later. StarMega said while waving at them. Megatron closed his cockpit and took off.

They went inside and heard their sire groaning in pain. Shockwave groaning. Dawn walked out and saw the twins. Supper is whatever tonight. Your father is in severe pain. Later on tonight the kids had supper. RoseWave walked in and didn't see her mother. Shockwave turned and saw his daughter. R...Rose...Wave. Hi sire. Just to let you know I got an A+ on the project. Shockwave slightly smiled. RoseWave, it's time for bed. Okay carrier. Dawn walked over and slid on the berth. Night my handsome scientist. N...night...Dawn. Soon they drifted off to sleep.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now