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Dawn was walking and she got the hang of it but fell down but got back up again. It's almost a lot harder than I thought. She said to Shockwave. Yes it is logical that it is. But you'll get the hang of it. Dawn smiled. When your old master showed up I didn't know he had a child well sparkling. Yes neither did I. He must've had it recently or at the time when Soundwave found out that StellarMoon was alive again. It's hard to tell.

So when can I or when will I be able to get an alt mode like yours. Well almost like yours. Shockwave chuckled. Well it will take time, but I will show you how to scan your alt mode. Ugh, fine. She pouted. I want an alt mode now, Shocky. She whined to Shockwave, wanting an alt mode now. And she was not taking a no or the word wait for an answer. Shockwave looked at her and shook his helm. Alright, you win. But let's just wait until tonight where no one or where we can't be spotted. Dawn smiled. Deal. You know that I always win Shock. Yes, I know.

It was about 9 hours and soon it was getting dark. Dawn was so excited and Shockwave saw the excitement on his sparkmates face. He walked over. Are you ready, my love. Yes, I have been ready and waiting all day. I have been waiting for this moment Shock. Shockwave went over and activated a ground bridge and they both walked through. They walked through and Dawn saw some cars that were parked in a parking lot. Oohoo, so many choices. Dawn looked and saw a car that had dark purple highlights and blue mixed together. She remembered Shockwave showing her how to scan.

Soon she scanned the car and soon she felt her body and armor changing. So how do I look? Shockwave was leaning back. He chuckled. You look stunning. Dawn was blushing. She then transformed back into her biped mode. The colors look really good. She started walking with Shockwave. She was walking with him when she felt a tugging feeling. She shrugged it off. When they finally got home Shockwave gave her a device and attached it to her back.

She looked wondering what the device was. Shock, what was the device you put on my back. It's the same device that I have to turn into a holoform human. Oh. You already had this made. Shockwave blushed. Yes, I did. She activated it and went inside. The kids were helping, trying to make dinner. Dawn walked in and froze. Oh my. The kids quickly turned. Oh, darn. We thought we would have supper already done before you got back. RoseWave said being really sad that it wasn't a surprise.

Now it's not a surprise. Dawn smiled and walked over. No it is. You guys tried helping out and I appreciate that. Anyways, you want to see something. Oh yes, they all 3 said together. Dawn walked out and saw Shockwave in his biped mode drinking some energon. He turned and saw her and the 3 kids.

Dawn walked over and stood in front of her children. Her holoform fizzled out and soon her children saw her in her new Cybertronian form. I love it, mommy. RoseWave said to her mother. I like it too, mom. LaserWave, and RazorWave said to their mother. Dawn smiled. But here's the good part. Soon before they knew it their mother transformed into a beautiful purple and blue car.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now