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Shockwave walked and headed to the kitchen when he saw Dawn walking in with CyberSun. CyberSun, what are you doing here? Sorry Shockwave. But have you seen Megatron? He's been gone for like an hour or two. He was kinda upset with the call but also with me. Because I sorta compared him with Prime. And he wasn't happy about that. And also our daughter is worried about him but she is still upset about what he did. Look, I know he is a grown mech and knows how to handle and take care of himself but I worry about him.

Yes, it is logical that you do, because you are his wife. But to be honest I haven't seen him or I don't know where he is. CyberSun sighs. I am starting to worry about him. CyberSun, I am sure he is fine. I hope so, Shockwave. I better get going. Just in case he does come back. Thanks anyways, Shockwave. You're welcome, CyberSun anytime. CyberSun walked out and transformed. In the meantime a couple hours later some warlord stopped by. Megatron. Hello Dawn. Uh, has CyberSun been here? I am looking for her. I didn't see her at home, and our daughter said she was here.

She was but she's not here. She went back home to wait for you. Oh dear. Then I just missed her. Anyways I have to find her. I know I don't do this but please let Shockwave know that I am sorry for what I said. Sure. Thank you Dawn. Megatron walked and transformed and flew off. RoseWave was working again ahead on her next project when she saw a call from her friend StellarBlaze. She answered the call.

Hey girl. Hey. I asked my carrier and sire if it is okay if we have a sleepover at my house. I also asked StarMega too. But she said she hasn't asked her sire yet but her Carrier is okay with it. Ohh. Let me ask my sire and carrier. She got up and went to look for them. She found them sitting in the living room having cuddles. Gross. Sire , carrier is it okay if I go over to StellarBlaze's house for a sleepover. Uh. Is her carrier and sire okay with it? Yeah. I am talking to StellarBlaze right now. Well I guess it is okay. When are you guys planning it? Uh. StellarBlaze when is it? Tomorrow. If it is okay. Shockwave and Dawn nodded.

YES! She went and ran to get her stuff ready. My sire and carrier are okay with it. Is your sire or carrier picking us up? Yeah. They both are. My Carrier needs to get some things in town. So I'll see you tomorrow. And I already told StarMega. Okay great. I'll see you tomorrow. Shockwave and Dawn were getting supper ready. She went over and was washing some dishes. Until she hisses. Ouch. Shockwave looked and went over to her. He went and washed the wound and went and grabbed an ointment. She hisses once he puts it on her wound.

Sorry dear. It's fine, Shockwave. Shockwave went over and finished supper. Shockwave looked and saw the children walking in. Can't wait for tomorrow. Dawn chuckled. Can't wait for what, RoseWave. Sleepover tomorrow at StellarBlaze's house. It's going to be all three of us girls. LaserWave eyes widened. Soon after supper was ready the kids were getting ready for bed. RoseWave went and was putting all her things together for tomorrow. Soon she saw her sire coming in. She walked over and climbed on her berth. He walked over and tucked her in bed. Night sire. Night my little one. Have fun tomorrow. She giggled. I will.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now