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The next morning Shockwave was up cleaning the walls in RazorWave's room. Dawn woke up and didn't see Shockwave. She got up and suddenly she stood up and slid down hard. Ouch. She looked and saw RazorWave's toy. OH FOR PRIMUS SHAKE RAZORWAVE! Dawn got up and walked and went to see RazorWave. She opened the doors and saw Shockwave cleaning the walls in RazorWave's room. Morning sweet spark. Yeah sure morning. She said to him in a moody tone. Shockwave turned and looked at her. Why what happened this time. He asked her. RazorWave's toy that's what happened. She told him.

RazorWave was playing and running when he went and accidentally knocked over RoseWave's project that was in the living room. NO! SIRE, CARRIER! REALLY RAZORWAVE! Shockwave and Dawn walked out. Oh dear. Shockwave walked over. Sire, my project is ruined. It has to be ready by tomorrow. We'll think of something, RoseWave. Shockwave reassured her by telling her everything is going to be alright. Shockwave, I'll clean the walls and you can help with RoseWave's project. Shockwave nodded and agreed with her idea and decision.

Shockwave walked with RoseWave to his lab to work on her project. RoseWave walked in. RoseWave sighs. Why is my brother doing this sire? Be easy on your brother, he is still a youngling. He is still learning he doesn't fully understand just yet. Yeah sure sire. First he almost destroyed the walls and now with my project. RoseWave, just relax and calm down and think about your project. Shockwave was walking when he tripped and fell smacking his optic on the floor hard. Umph. Sire. Shockwave groaned in pain. Sire. She ran to get her Carrier. Carrier, it's sire. Dawn got up and ran to his lab. Shockwave tried getting up but couldn't. When he fell he shattered his optic when he hit the floor shattering it completely. Shockwave. D...Dawn. Dawn went over and looked at him. Shock. Your optic. He groaned. C...call...Knockout. She quickly called Knockout. Hey Dawn. Knockout, get here now. It's Shockwave. He fell and shattered his optic. He is blind and can't see. Right, I'll be there in 1 nano click.

Dawn slowly lifted Shockwave and laid him on a berth in his lab. Soon Knockout arrived. He quickly went and started working on Shockwave. Knockout slowly put Shockwave on a stasis so he could work on his damaged optic. It took more than 5 hours until Knockout finally fixed Shockwave's damaged optic. Dawn was pacing back and forth. Please Primus let him make it. I can't live without him. I just can't. Soon she heard the doors open. She turned and looked and saw Knockout. Knockout, is he going to be okay? Yes. He's going to be in pain for about 5 days. But he'll survive. Dawn smiled. Can I see him? Knockout nodded. She went up and hugged Knockout. Thank you. You're welcome. Let me and Stardust know if you need help or need anything. I will. Bye Knockout. See you later Dawn.

9 hours had passed and it was getting close to bedtime. She already had everyone in bed. Night my little ones. Carrier is sire going to be okay. Yes he is. Now go to bed. And let your teacher know about what happened. Okay carrier. Dawn walked out and went to be with Shockwave. She walked in. She climbed on the berth and laid next to Shockwave. I could have lost you. Night my handsome mech.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now