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Hey where's sire. Let's look in his lab. They walked and called for him. Sire. I'm in here son, Shockwave said responding to him. The 3 kids walked and opened the door. They were in awe. Sire, that's the Predacon that I said that I liked. RazorWave said to his sire. Yes I know, son. Children, I would like you to meet Predaking.

All 3 walked up. RazorWave walked even more but LaserWave grabbed him. Stop. RazorWave pushed him and moved closer to Predaking. Whoa. I have never met a Predacon before. Sire, I thought you said you didn't know where he was. Well, I actually didn't know where he was, son. He just showed up. Oh. Still I think your dragon form is amazing. Predaking chuckled. Thanks little guy.

Soon after everyone got done talking, Predaking had to leave to search for his comrades. He walked out and immediately transformed and flew off. RazorWave was in awe. Wow, he said to himself. Everyone went inside and Shockwave went and decided to make dinner so Dawn doesn't have too. Dawn saw this and she smiled. She walked and went inside hers and Shockwave's shared room.

Dawn walked inside and went to the washroom. When she was in the washroom she started to not feel well. Mmm. She walked over and grabbed an aspirin. She grabbed some energon and took the aspirin with it. Shockwave was busy when he turned and noticed Dawn not looking like herself. Sweet spark, are you okay? Dawn looked up at him. Yeah. Just not feeling well. Don't know why. I already took an aspirin with some energon.

Shockwave nodded and continued on what he was doing. He had an instinct/gut feeling that something was wrong. But he shrugged it off. Dawn was sitting at the table and realized it was getting worse. She groaned. Shockwave then turned his helm. He walked over and bent down. Sweet spark. You really don't look like yourself like you always do. I am probably just under the weather Shockwave. Maybe. When I get done with supper I'll make something up for you to get feeling better. Dawn slightly smiled. Thank you, you handsome mech. Shockwave immediately blushed.

Shockwave finished with dinner. He set everything up. He gave Dawn some a cup of warm energon to help her. She drank it. RoseWave, LaserWave, RazorWave, supper is ready. Shockwave said, telling his children that supper is ready. Okay sire. All three said together. Shockwave walked over and sat by Dawn. Dawn rested her helm on his shoulder. Shockwave gently rubbed her back.

The kids then finally came in. They saw their Carrier and knew something was wrong. Carrier, are you okay? Dawn didn't answer. Sweetie, your mother is feeling a tad under the weather. But she is okay. Okay sire. Soon after everything was done Shockwave had cleaned everything up. He walked over and lifted Dawn up. The kids went to bed. Shockwave walked in their room and he laid her down. She then fell asleep. Shockwave finished something then went after and fell into recharge.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now