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They were in awe. And so was their father. He turned his helm away, he was blushing and his processors were heating up. He got up and walked to his lab. Dawn transformed back into her biped mode. Kids go ahead and clean up the mess and I'll just order dinner. Okay mommy. Dawn walked and headed to where Shockwave went. She was walking when she heard light moans. She smirked.

She walked in and saw him. Shock. Shockwave turned. Dawn walked over and caressed the side of his helm. He purred feeling the touch. I know why you left Shock. Shockwave immediately blushed. Anyways, question. When I am close to you why am I feeling a tug in my spark. I have been feeling the same thing my dear. Shockwave walked over to Dawn. My dear, will you…spark bond with me. Dawn looked at him and smiled. Yes, I will. Shockwave then walked over and closed his doors.

Dawn watched and soon Shockwave lifted her up and laid her gently on the science table. My dear are you sure. Because once we do this we will be sparkbonded forever and there is no turning back. Shock, I want to sparkbond with you. I love you, and we have 3 beautiful children. Shockwave couldn't smile but in his spark he was smiling. Very well. Soon Shockwave opened his chest plates and helped Dawn open her chest plates. Dawn saw a beautiful purple spark that was in Shockwave's chest. And Shockwave saw Dawn's spark; it was a light blue spark.

Shockwave went forward. Dawn winced, feeling her spark merge into Shockwave's. Dawn felt every emotion that Shockwave had. She felt that and saw that Shockwave really did love her and their 3 beautiful children. Shockwave saw everything and things that she went through. He saw and felt that she really did love him and their children. Soon their sparks went back into their chests. Shockwave helped Dawn close hers and soon he closed his.

They both got up and walked out. They were walking when they saw a ground bridge opening. Shockwave took Dawn and protected her from what was coming out of the ground bridge. He aimed at the ground bridge until he saw who it was. It was you. Stardust. Stardust, Knockout. Hey Shocky. I hope you don't mind if I still call you that. Shockwave chuckled. No, not at all. It's good to see you both. Same here, Shock. It's been a while. Knockout said to Shockwave. Yes it has.

Soon Shockwave saw a figure almost close to the height as you. So is this the sparkling that you told me about when you found out you were carrying. Yes. I bent down. Sweetie, this is Shockwave, but I call him Shocky for short. Can you say hello. Hi. My carrier and sire told me about you guys a lot.

I see. And who's the little one that Knockout is holding. This is our son Soundwave Jr. I named him after my father. He doesn't know yet. But I think he won't mind. I don't think he would mind at all. Oh, and we also saw some familiar faces. Oh and who's that Shocky. We saw Megatron and CyberSun. They came by and they had a daughter with them. Her name is StarMega. I immediately widened my optics.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now