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Bonus: At School/ At Megatron, CyberSun Place

StarMega was at school learning everything. She started walking and bumped into someone. She looked and saw her best friend StellarBlaze. StellarBlaze is the daughter of Knockout, and Stardust. Hey, sorry StellarBlaze. She giggled. It's fine. So how's things going at home? My carrier hasn't seen Uncle Mega for a while. Oh my sire, he's doing okay. And so is my Carrier. How's things at home for you? Good. They both walked out and StarMega saw her father waiting for her. He walked up. So you had fun. Yah. Sire. Do you remember Stardust? He chuckled. Yes of course I do why. StarMega giggled. Well sire, this is StellarBlaze. She is Stardust's and Knockout's daughter. Megatron widened his optics. Well it is good to see you. How's Stardust? I haven't seen her for a while. She's good. I have a brother now. My Carrier gave birth to him after you left. Carrier, and sire named him after my Grandsire. Oh, I see. Well tell your carrier I said hi. I will. Bye StarMega. Bye StellarBlaze.

StarMega was coloring but then went and grabbed a pad and looked at it. The pictures she was coloring were of her sire and carrier. She wanted the color to match. But she didn't have the right color of her sires. Awe. Megatron and CyberSun were making dinner together when Megatron looked up. He kissed CyberSun and walked to see what was wrong.

StarMega was trying to find the right color. But she couldn't. Soon she got really angry. Megatron walked over and bent down. Hey, what's wrong. StarMega looked at her sire. Sire, want color to match but don't have the right color for….your form. Oh I see. Well let me see. Megatron looked closely. He went and grabbed something else. Here, try this. StarMega grabbed the thing. It was a pencil. She tried it and it almost matched.

She squealed. Megatron closed his eyes trying to zone out her squealing. StarMega went up and hugged her sire. Thank you, sire. You're welcome, my little princess. Megatron kissed her helm and got up and walked off to help CyberSun.

CyberSun was about done when she felt servos wrapping around her. She smiled. So what happened. She got a little upset because she didn't have the right color for my biped mode. Oh I see. So you got it figured out. Yes. She is happy now. As I am with you. He went and kissed her cheeks and then her neck. Mmmm. Mega not when our daughter is in the other room. Megatron smirked and nipped her cables. She yelped. Which made their daughter look up. Carrier, are you okay? Yes, I am fine.

CyberSun got done and fixed the dinner up and Megatron helped her. StarMega, it's time for dinner. Okay sire. StarMega, put her things away and headed to the kitchen. She walked in and sat down. Soon after dinner was over StarMega went to her room. She went and started reading. Megatron and CyberSun cleaned up everything. Megatron walked off and went to tuck his daughter in for bed. She put her stuff away and went to her berth. Her doors opened and it was her father. Megatron walked in and tucked her in. Night my little princess. Night sire.

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