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It was the next morning and the twins were at school. Dawn has RazorWave taking a nap. She walked back to Shockwave's lab and still saw him on the berth not moving yet. She sighs. Please Shockwave. You need to pull through this. I can't lose you. She walked over and slid on the berth laying next to him. She slowly closed her optics. But what she didn't know was that Shockwave was starting to stir and starting to come around. He slowly started to wake up, his optic flickered on, he slowly looked around and then turned and looked down. He chuckled lightly. He bent down and nuzzled her.

Dawn felt something warm or someone soon she opened her optics and turned and saw Shockwave looking at her. Shockwave! She went and hugged him. I…missed you. She said while crying. I missed you too, my dear. R…RoseWave. Her project. Shockwave don't worry. I told her to tell her teacher that her baby brother accidentally destroyed her project. Shockwave nodded.

While at school RoseWave was nervous. She walked into her classroom and went to talk to her teacher. Mr. Sanchez. Yes RoseWave. Mr. Sanchez, I don't have my project. Oh. May I ask why. I have a baby brother who is about 2 or 3 years old and he was misbehaving and he was running and he knocked down and hit my project. My father was going to help me repair it but my father had suffered some major injuries. I see. Well, I am not mad or disappointed because you are doing really well. And I thank you for being truthful. I will give you as much time as you need to repair the project. Thank you Mr. Sanchez. You're welcome.

After school was over RoseWave and LaserWave walked home. So was your teacher mad about what happened. No he wasn't. They arrived home and they walked inside and they saw their sire in his holoform sitting at the table. SIRE! They went and they hugged him. Hmmm. I missed you both today. We missed you too, sire. So did you tell your teacher about your project? Yeah. He wasn't upset. But he is going to give me more time to work on it. Excellent. Where's Carrier, sire. She's in the other room. LaserWave walked off and went to his room. Shockwave looked and saw RoseWave was sad. RoseWave, is something wrong. He asked her.

RoseWave turned. Shockwave lifted his servo and made her look at him. RoseWave I can sense that something is wrong. Sire, I was scared. I was scared that I had lost you. Shockwave frowned. RoseWave, you and your brothers and your carrier would never lose me. I've been through a lot worse than you think. Anyways tonight is whatever for supper. Okay father. Soon RoseWave looked and saw her little brother walking in with something. It was her project. But the way she had it.

She giggled. She got up and bent down. Here sissy. Sorry for ruining the project. It's fine. And I love it. Shockwave watched and smiled. Soon Dawn walked in. Kids it's almost time for bed. Alright. They walked and went to their rooms. Dawn walked over and helped Shockwave up. Thank you my dear. What would I do without you? Oh, I don't know. I am doing what you did for me when I was sick. Soon they walked into their room. They both slid on the berth. Night my dear. Night Shockwave. They both kissed each other and drifted off to sleep.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now