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This way, my Lord. Megatron laughed inside and he thought it was cute for them by calling him Lord even though he isn't a warlord anymore. He followed them through the living and down the hall. LaserWave went through. Sire, Mega is here. Okay, thanks son. He looked and saw Megatron walking in.

So she's got the bug that me and Stardust had. Yes. But I don't know why, and how. Because it's not contagious. I already had Knockout come by and check her over. Oh, then I just missed him. Yes. He was shocked with this too. I see well here's the stuff that you needed. Thanks, my lie, I mean Megatron. No problem. I better get going. He was walking when he received a call from his conjunx-endura. Megatron. CyberSun, is everything alright dear. No. It's StarMega. She has a case of sparkling fever. I need you to come back when you can. Alright, I'll be there. See you later, Shockwave. Bye Megatron.

Megatron walked out. He was starting to worry about his little princess. I know you are strong, my little princess. He transformed and headed home to help CyberSun with StarMega. Shockwave went and mixed the stuff that Megatron brought. He poured it into a glass and walked over. Sweet spark. I need you to drink this. Dawn slightly turned. She took the cup and slowly drank it. Thank you. She said in a raspy voice. You're welcome, sweet spark. Shockwave went over and sat the glass down. He went and walked back over and slid on the berth and gently lifted Dawn and laid her on the right side of his arm.

Dawn groaned. Soon she relaxed when she felt Shockwave digits drawing circles on her back making her more relaxed. Shockwave looked and saw his son walking in. Sire, here this is for Carrier. I hope this helps, sire. Shockwave couldn't smile but he was smiling inside his spark. Thank you son. That is really thoughtful of you. Shockwave took the cup and lifted Dawn up. Drank this sweetheart. Dawn took the cup and drank it. Soon Shockwave heard a crash. Oh man. Sire. Shockwave sighs. He laid Dawn down and walked out to see what had happened.

Sissy, this is your fault. No it's not. It's our fault. They went down to clean up until they heard their sire. STOP! Shockwave walked over. Never pick up glass with your hands. Understood. Yes sire. Now get ready for bed. Yes sire. Shockwave was cleaning up the mess until he felt small hands. He looked and saw LaserWave. Son, I said it was time for bed. Yes I know. But I want to help you clean the mess up sire. It was also my mess too.

Shockwave chuckled. Very well. Just get the dustpan over there. Yes sire. LaserWave walked over and grabbed the dustpan. He walked over and Shockwave used a small dust broom and swept the pieces up. LaserWave walked over and dumped the pieces in the trash.

Thank you son. Now head for bed. Yes sire. LaserWave got up and walked to his room and headed for bed. Shockwave got up and went to his room. He went over and sat at his desk. He wrote down some stuff and he looked at Dawn. He sighs. I hate seeing you like this my dear. He got up and walked over and climbed on his berth and lifted Dawn up. He kissed her helm. I love you, sweet spark. He then drifted off to sleep.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now