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Bonus: Megatron, CyberSun Place

CyberSun was busy taking care of StarMega. Carrier, it hurts. I know pumpkin. But you'll feel better soon. CyberSun walked to the kitchen to fix something up for StarMega. She walked in and was fixing up a drink. Soon she heard the door open. Megs. Thank goodness you are here. Right now I am in the middle of fixing her a drink.

Alright. Megatron walked over and helped her out. CyberSun was so busy she wasn't concentrating on what she was doing she spilled the continents all over Megatron. She looked. Megs. Megatron blinked his optics. My dear, go rest. You need it. I'll take over. What. Are you sure Megatron? Megatron turned and smirked. Yes, I am sure. You need it. Alright, if you insist. She was walking off. But Megatron gently grabbed her hand and pulled her and kissed her. Mmm,mmm. They both pulled away.

They both looked at each other. I love you CyberSun. I have always loved you even when I first saw you during the Golden Age. Oh, Megs stop it. Megatron chuckled. It's true my dear. Anyways, go rest. He went forward and said this. Your warlord's orders. CyberSun shivered. As you wish my warlord. CyberSun giggled and headed off to take a nap. Megatron got done fixing the drink. He walked and headed to StarMega's room.

StarMega tried to rest but couldn't because her cooling fans were kicking and going off a lot harder than they should. Soon she heard her doors open. Hi, sire. She said in a weak voice. Hey, my little princess. How are you feeling? Not so good sire. When will this end? She asked him. Megatron walked over and bent down. It's probably going to be a while. Anyways, drink this. Megatron lifted StarMega up and she slowly drank it. Thank you, sire. You're welcome, my little princess. If you need anything else just let me know. Megatron kissed her helm and walked out.

He then leaned against the wall. He sighs. Feels like bad things are always coming. It never ends. He was walking when his head started hurting. AARGH! Megatron walked and saw the time. He went and headed for his and CyberSun's shared room. He went inside but he didn't see his sparkmate/conjunx-endura. He wondered where she was. He walked in and soon he felt servos. He chuckled. Hello my dear. Should you be resting. Hmm, yes. But I didn't feel right without you. Megatron purred when he felt his sparkmate caressing his face. He turned and looked at her. He slowly lifted her chin. He went and kissed her. The kiss was endless.

So how's StarMega feeling? She's okay right now. But she should and I hope to be feeling better by tomorrow. I hate seeing her in pain like this. I know Megatron, same here. Oh, that reminds me. Close your eyes my dear. Megatron walked over and grabbed something. He walked back over. Open them. She opened her eyes and saw a beautiful necklace. Oh Megatron. It's beautiful. Megatron helped her with the necklace. She hugged Megatron. I love it. She then noticed the time. Megatron, it's getting late. They went and climbed on the berth. Night my queen. Night my handsome warlord. They both kissed each other and went to sleep.

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