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Shockwave was working on a project in his lab when he noticed a call from Megatron. He answered. Hey Shockwave question for you. And what's that Megatron? Sire no don't carrier. ENOUGH STARMEGA! Sorry about that Shockwave. But have you noticed if your son likes my daughter? Shockwave jerked his helm and looked at Megatron on his pad. What. Illogical. LaserWave hasn't spoken to me about it. But I don't intend to interfere with my son's personal life or issues. Because I don't want to ruin the family relationship with him. Oh jeez Shockwave. I never thought you would have a lot of emotions. CyberSun gasps. Megatron, are you serious? What. I am just saying, CyberSun. Sorry Shockwave, don't mind him. He's just as stubborn as Prime. Megatron growled. Hey, watch it. And don't you dare compare me to or with Prime.

Megatron walked out and still was talking to Shockwave. Anyways, Shockwave. I noticed your son is starting to like my daughter. Because I picked her up today at school. But do tell your son if he ever I mean ever hurts my daughter's feelings he will not hear the end of it. Am I clear? Shockwave sighs. Yes my Liege. FOR PRIMUS SHAKE SHOCKWAVE! Call me Megatron. You are worse than Soundwave. Shockwave turned his helm. I am ending this call, my Liege. He went and ended the call. Shockwave. Megatron growled. You need to learn how to control your anger and temper my warlord. He quickly turned and looked at his wife. Temper. Control my temper. He walked off and transformed and flew off to who knows where.

Soon he heard giggling. He turned and saw Dawn. You heard all of that my dear. Yes I did. He is still the same old Megatron even when the war was still going on. So our son likes his daughter. Apparently. So should we talk to our son Shockwave. Perhaps it is best. Soon they heard a voice. Sire. They turned and saw RazorWave. Dawn frowned. Son, you should be taking a nap. I know. I couldn't fall asleep. Dawn walked over and lifted her son up. Sire, what are you making? Something. I want to be a scientist like you sire. Shockwave chuckled. Oh great, another scientist.

Soon they heard voices. Sire. They looked and saw RoseWave. She ran in and hugged him. Hpmh. Easy, my little one. I am working on a project. Oh sorry. So how did the project go? She smiled and showed him. Look, sire. Shockwave turned. He activated his holoform and looked at it. Well done. I knew you could do it. Well I had help from you sire. That you did. But you did the rest of the work. So where's your brother LaserWave? I need to speak to him about something. He's inside his room. He's also upset with me. But he'll get over it. Shockwave frowned but smiled. I see. Shockwave went and walked to talk to LaserWave about what had happened today at school. Shockwave walked and went to LaserWave's room.

LaserWave was working on the picture. He then heard a knock. Come in. He looked and saw his sire. Sire. Son. We need to talk. He walked in and sat down on his son's berth.

Son, do you have someone you like? Gasp. Sire. Just answer the question. Yes. I see. Is it StarMega. Gasp. Did sis tell you. No. Megatron told me. If you do like her, don't hurt her feelings. I won't. Now, we are done. Hmm. Yes. Shockwave walked out and headed his way.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now