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It was the next morning and Dawn really didn't feel like herself. She slowly turned and saw Shockwave still fast asleep. She lightly nudges him. Shockwave stirred in his sleep. She nudged him again. Soon Shockwave was starting to wake up. He got up and turned. You still are not feeling well, sweet spark.

She lightly nodded her helm. Shockwave got up and went over and checked her out. Well, you're not burning up. I'll go and give Knockout a call. Shockwave walked and grabbed his pad.

Shockwave called Knockout and he answered. Hey Shock. What's up? Hey, I need you to come over to our place. Dawn is really not feeling well. I checked her and she's not burning up or anything. Alright I'll be then in 2 nano clicks. Thanks Knockout. Shockwave went over and placed a wet cloth.

Soon he heard a voice. Shockwave. Knockout, we're in here. That was fast. Well I did say I'll be here in 2 nano clicks. Anyways the kids let me in. That's fine. She was feeling a tad under the weather yesterday. I see.

Knockout walked over and checked Dawn over. He then took her blood sample and put it under the microscope. What, he whispered to himself. Shockwave. Shockwave went over. What. Shock, she has the bug on what Big M had and Stardust. But how. It's not contagious. You might want to contact Big M. He still has the medicine that we had for him. Shockwave nodded. Anyways, here is the remedy.

Thanks, I'll contact Megatron. Alright. Anything else. Nope. Thanks Knockout. Sure no problem. Soon Knockout left. Shockwave sighs. He grabbed his pad and called Megatron. The call was answered but it was Megatron's daughter. Oh hi Shocky. Hello, uh is your sire around. Yeah, he's outside. Soon she walked with the pad. Sire. Yes, StarMega. Sire you have a call, it's Shocky. And it's important. Alright. Soon StarMega handed over the pad. Thanks, my little princess. Your welcome sire.

Hey Shockwave what's up. Uh, I need a favor, my Liege. And what's that? I need that stuff that we made for you when you got in contact with that bug. Oh why's that. Because Dawn has it. WHAT! Isn't the bug that I had not contagious? Yes, it is my Liege. Shockwave, just call me Megatron. Anyways, yes. I'll be there in 4 nano clicks. Alright thanks. Sure no problem. He then ended the call.

The kids were outside playing when they heard the sound of a jet. They looked and saw it coming down. Soon the jet landed and transformed. The kids looked. Sis, I think that's sire's old boss. He whispered. Yeah. They walked up to him. Hello little ones. Anyways you twins should remember me. They thought. Gasp. Mega. Sire used to work for you. Yes, he did. Anyways I am here to see your father. Okay follow me my Lord. Megatron chuckled. Why what's wrong with mommy now? I know she wasn't feeling well. LaserWave nudged his sister. Sorry Mega. Follow me my Lord. Megatron smirked and chuckled. Soon he followed them inside.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now