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It was morning and there was no school again. RoseWave was getting some things ready. Carrier, is it okay if I go to StarMega's house to play with her. She sent me a message saying her parents are okay with it and Mega is coming over and picking me up. Hmm. Sure. She got her stuff ready and walked out and saw Mega coming down. She walked over and climbed in. She got in and Megatron closed his cockpit and took off. I can't wait to see StarMega, Mega. Megatron chuckled. It's only been two days since you two haven't seen each other. It's not like it's been years. Well to me it is. Oh and guess what, Mega. What. I got to build something with my sire yesterday. Oh really. I heard from my daughter that you want to be a scientist like your sire. Yes I do. I am ahead of my classmates. I see. Well, I can say that your sire is proud of you. Yes he is.

StarMega was in her room reading some stuff. She hated it but it was kind of interesting. Her father wanted her to read it. Soon she heard a familiar voice. Hey girl. She turned and saw her best friend RoseWave. Hey. Sorry. I have to read this. It sucks. Oh what is it? It's about everything like with the gladiators. I want to do what I want to do. But I don't want to upset my sire. Well, I had a good day yesterday. RoseWave said to her. Oh, and what was that. I got to build something with him. That's cool. And you're so lucky. I wish I could do that with my sire. But he's almost not that fun to hang around with.

CyberSun was fixing dinner when she started seeing things. She shook her helm. Megatron glanced and he noticed something was bothering his queen. Well. He's not a warlord anymore. But he still calls her his queen. He walked over and he gently caressed her wings with his digits. CyberSun slowly started to relax. You okay, CyberSun. He asked her. Yes. I'm okay. Megatron looked at her. He knew that she was lying to him. But he didn't question her about it. He went and he helped her finish the supper. He then saw her walking off. Megatron sighs. Whoever kidnapped her and took her away from me must've done something to her. He said to himself.

CyberSun walked and she sat down on the bed. Megatron got done and he walked to his daughter's room. He opened the door. Girls suppers ready. I need to get your mother. Okay sire. They got up and went to the dining room. Megatron soon grew concerned for his wife. He walked and he saw her sitting on the bed. Sweet spark. Dinners ready. Are you okay? And don't lie to me. CyberSun got up and walked out. She took Megatron's hand and they started walking to the dining room. StarMega saw her parents walking in. They both sat down. Megatron held her hand and he whispered to her. I'm here, my queen. And I'm not letting no one take you away from me ever again. He whispered in her receptors. She smiled at her warlord. He smiled back.

After a while everyone ate. CyberSun was outside sitting. Megatron got done cleaning and washing things. He walked outside and he sat next with his wife. The girls are already in bed and asleep. But I know something's bothering you. It's what happened to you when you disappeared. CyberSun looked at him. Yes. It is. I went through terrible things. They even tried doing things that I didn't want, Megs. Megatron sighs. My queen. I am always here for you. Even our daughter. I know. That's why I love you. Megatron smiled. They both got up and they walked back inside. They walked into their shared room and they both climbed into bed. Megatron held CyberSun close to him. They both kissed each other. Soon they both fell into a deep recharge.

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