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It was the next morning and Shockwave was up and taking it easy. He was in his lab looking over things. Soon he felt little servos. He slightly jumped. He turned and saw RoseWave. RoseWave, don't do that. Sorry sire. Can I help you? We don't have school today. But I want to learn more about science. Hmmm. I don't know. Your carrier prefers you not to be doing experiments like this. But you are with me. Yes. But the experiments can also be dangerous. Dangerous oh please sire. Shockwave chuckled. Well, ask your carrier first. If she says yes then I will let you help me but if she says no. Then no means no. Okay sire. RoseWave walked and looked in the kitchen. But she didn't see her. She walked to her parents room and found her sitting on the berth. Carrier, is it okay if I help sire with some projects. Sire will be with me. I don't know. You know how I feel about the experiments. But fine. But listen to what your father says okay. Yes, Carrier RoseWave immediately ran. No running RoseWave. Soon RoseWave ran to her sire's lab. Sire she yes it was okay. Hmm. Well if she said it was okay. Then it is okay with me. But listen to what I say, alright. Yes sire. Good.

RoseWave was having the best day of her life. She actually got to build something and not only that got to work with her sire. Shockwave knew she was happy. He always loved to see her happy and seeing her smile made his spark melt. Sire, are you still feeling pain? Somewhat. But at least I have something. Oh, what is that sire? Shockwave quickly turned and went forward. You! He started tickling her. She started laughing and giggling. Carrier please save me. Hahaha. Your carrier can't hear you or save you. Sire, please stop. That really tickles. Hahaha. Please stop. RoseWave saw something her carrier told her that was really sensitive and it was very ticklish. She went and did it. Shockwave laughed. Hahaha. Okay, okay your sire gives up. You win.

They both laughed. This day was the best. Yes it was my little one. You are so much like your carrier. Really, sire. He chuckled. Yes. One word, feisty. Gasps sire. No I am not. Shockwave titled his helm. Right now you are. She lightly hit her sire's chest. I am not feisty. Shockwave slowly moved his servos/digits and lightly tickled his daughter. She giggled and laughed. Soon they heard a voice. What's going on here? They looked and saw Dawn. RoseWave got up and walked. Sire tickled me. Oh did he now. Hmm. Anyways, supper is ready. Okay carrier. RoseWave left and it was just Shockwave and Dawn. So I see you two had fun today. He chuckled. Yes we did.

They both walked and they activated their holoforms and walked inside. They sat down at the table with the kids. So you had fun with your sire today RoseWave. Oh yes carrier. It was the best. Except for one thing. Dawn and Shockwave looked at her. And what's that, her carrier asked her. Sire tickling me. It was not fun. Well it wasn't fun either that you tickled me. And I know you told her the sensitive area my dear. Well, what can I say? Shockwave frowned. Soon later on it was getting late. Dawn has everything cleaned up. Shockwave had the boys already tucked into bed. He walked and entered RoseWave's room. I had the best day ever, sire. Shockwave chuckled. Same here my little one. You did excellent. Night my little one. Night sire. Shockwave kissed her helm and walked out and headed for bed and he saw Dawn fast asleep. He went and slid on the berth and drifted off to sleep.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now