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Shockwave woke up and noticed Dawn wasn't with him. He got up and checked the washroom. But he didn't see her. He left the room and checked the kitchen but didn't see her. Where are you, my love? He said to himself. He then walked and checked outside and saw her sitting outside. OH FOR PRIMUS SAKE, you scared me half to death Dawn. Dawn quickly turned and saw Shockwave. Sorry Shockwave. I just needed to relax. You know I love the feeling and the smell of the air. Shockwave slowly relaxed. I know my dear. But why couldn't you wake me up or tell me where you were going to. You gave me a spark attack.

I am really sorry, Shockwave. I didn't want to wake you up or bother you. Shockwave walked over and sat next to Dawn. My dear, you wouldn't have bothered me. I am your husband, and sparkmate. And I would do anything for you. I know Shockwave. You have always done things for me that I am grateful for. So, how are you feeling my dear. A little groggy, but nothing I can't handle. Thank you for taking care of me and being there for me. You're welcome, my love.

The kids were at school when LaserWave was walking when he bumped into someone. He looked up and saw a femme. Uh…sorry I didn't mean to. She giggled. It's fine. So what's your name? Uh…my name's LaserWave. What's your name? My name's StarMega. Wait, are you Megatron's daughter? She giggled again. Yes I am. How do you know who my father is? My father used to work for your father. My father's name is Shockwave. Oh yes. My father told me a lot about him. LaserWave looked down and saw something on the floor. He bent down and picked it up. Does this belong to you, StarMega? Oh yes it is. My father gave it to me. Thank you. She went and gave him a light kiss on his cheek and walked off.

Wow. He walked and saw his sister RoseWave. She turned and saw his brother. Hey LaserWave. Hey sis. Don't tell me and brag that you won the science project. Yes. I did. Anyways science is important like what sire said. Yeah. Don't remind me. I prefer art. They both walked out and LaserWave saw StarMega talking with StellarBlaze. Soon he saw his father's old boss coming. Ohh what's this brother. What, RoseWave, give it back. It's a picture. And I know who. RoseWave, give it back. It's StarMega. She ran with the picture. StarMega and Megatron looked at them. She was running when she ran into someone. She looked up and saw Megatron.

RoseWave. LaserWave walked over and snatched it. Great thanks, now look. It's ruined. StarMega giggled. Megatron turned and looked at his daughter then back at LaserWave. He chuckled deeply. Now you aren't afraid to show the picture now are you, LaserWave. LaserWave looked at Megatron. He whimpered. Megatron chuckled. StarMega elbowed him. Hpmh. StarMega. Sire, don't make him uncomfortable. I'll see you later LaserWave. Now let's go home, sire. She grabbed his arm and walked off and headed home. Soon the twins walked off and went home.

I really do hate you sis. Why did you do that? You know why. You like her don't you. What. What are you talking about? You like her and don't deny it. Don't know what reaction that sire will make or our sire's old boss will make.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now