Characters mentioned in the story. Other things mentioned in the story

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Dawn: once human but now cybertronian. Sparkmate/Conjunx-endura of/to Shockwave. Carrier of/to RoseWave, LaserWave, RazorWave. Dawn's status alive/online

Shockwave: former deception scientist working for Megatron. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to Dawn. Sire of/to RoseWave, LaserWave, RazorWave. Shockwave's status online.

RoseWave: daughter of/to Shockwave, Dawn. Sister of/to LaserWave, RazorWave. RoseWave's status online.

LaserWave: son of/to Shockwave, Dawn. Brother of/to RoseWave, RazorWave. LaserWave's status online.

RazorWave: son of/to Shockwave, Dawn. Brother of/to RoseWave, LaserWave. RazorWave's status online.

Primus: creator of cybertronian life. And is the planet of Cybertron.

Soundwave: sire of/to Stardust. Former communication specialists/Third-In-Command to Lord Megatron. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to StellarMoon. Grandsire of/to StellarBlaze, Soundwave Jr. Soundwave's status online.

StellarMoon: former medic/autobot. Carrier of/to Stardust. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to Soundwave. Grandcarrier of/to StellarBlaze, Soundwave Jr. StellarMoon's status online.

Megatron: former leader of the Decepticons. Sire of/to StarMega. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to CyberSun. Also referred to as Uncle Mega from Stardust. Megatron's status online.

CyberSun: former queen of the Decepticons. Carrier of/to StarMega. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to Megatron. CyberSun's status online.

StarMega: daughter of/to the former leader and queen of the Decepticons Megatron, CyberSun. StarMega's status online.

Stardust: daughter of/to the former communication specialists/Third-In-Command Soundwave, and StellarMoon former medic/autobot. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to Knockout. Carrier of/to StellarBlaze, Soundwave Jr. Refers to Megatron as her Uncle Mega. Stardust's status online.

Knockout: former Decepticon medic of/to Lord Megatron. Sparkmate/conjunx-endura of/to Stardust. Sire of/to StellarBlaze, Soundwave Jr. Knockout's status online.

StellarBlaze: daughter of/to Stardust, Knockout. Granddaughter of/to Soundwave, StellarMoon. StellarBlaze's status online.

Soundwave Jr.: Son of/to Stardust, Knockout. Grandson of/to Soundwave, StellarMoon. Soundwave Jr's status online.

Predaking: Formerly working for Lord Megatron, Shockwave. He was created by Shockwave. Calls Shockwave creator or by his name. Also king of the predacon's Predaking's status online.

Ravage Jr: symbiote/child to Stardust. His status online.

DarkSteel: created by Shockwave. Works and serves Predaking. DarkSteel's status online.

SkyLynx: created by Shockwave. Works and serves Predaking. SkyLynx's status online.

Prime: Leader Of The Autobots. Refers Megatron as a brother. His status online.

Mr. Sanchez: science teacher at LaserWave, RoseWave, StellarMega, and StarBlaze's school. His status alive/online.

Mrs. Lancaster: art teacher at LaserWave, RoseWave, StellarMega, and StarBlaze's school. Her status alive/online

Also in parts of my story I will have the word Bonus. It means that it is somewhere else or at a different place.

Bonuses you will see in the story.

Bonus: Megatron, CyberSun Place

Bonus: Stardust, Knockout Place

Also a picture of Dawn's Alt Mode. I want to put what her biped Mode form will look like but it is hard. And also I am still I guess still working on what RoseWave, LaserWave, and RazorWave's techno organic form will look like.

Transformers Prime: ShockwaveXHuman DawnWhere stories live. Discover now