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The night of the party had been spectacular, and it was nearly impossible to focus on anything else

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The night of the party had been spectacular, and it was nearly impossible to focus on anything else. Otto and I had talked for hours on end, covering an endless array of topics. We had many things in common, such as our love for the stars, but then again, there were so many things about him that I couldn't relate to at all. I loved it because it made him even more intriguing to me. Talking to him extensively had been beyond amazing. However, the best part of that night had been the fact that I didn't wake up hungover or naked the next morning. In fact, I went back to the dorms that night to avoid both of those unfavorable outcomes.

    It was hard to believe that Otto and I were both on the same page. We both really liked each other, and for some reason, couldn't let each other go. For that I was both grateful and terrified. A secret love affair with your teacher isn't exactly the best idea in the world. It was one of those things that you thought only happened on TV shows like Pretty Little Liars. But yet here I was getting into a relationship with my teacher, and it was incredibly dangerous. All I knew was that our relationship had to be kept a secret. Except for West, of course.

    Today in class, all I could think about was Otto. I sat in his classroom next to West, as usual, trying to read the next chapter of The Tipping Point, but it was so impossible when Otto was sitting just two rows in front of me. His desk faced directly towards me, and made it the perfect placement for eye contact every so often. I would definitely have to reread tonight, as I wasn't getting much reading done with my newfound distraction.

    "You do realize the bell just rung, right?" I could hear West say, although his voice was muffled due to my intense zoned-out state.

    I stood up with my bag and muttered a response to West, then began leaving the classroom. While we were leaving, I took one look back at Otto and he was motioning for me, so I told West I would meet him at the courtyard and went back inside. I felt slightly giddy walking back towards his desk.

    "When do I get to see you again?" I whispered.

    "Well, I was thinking I could make you dinner at my place on Friday," Otto offered.

    My heart skipped a beat. "Your place?" I asked with a sudden twinge of nervousness. I don't know why the thought of having dinner at Otto's house made me nervous, but it did. Even though I'd been there before, it seemed different this time.

    "Well, I don't know where a couple is supposed to go when it's illegal to be with each other," he said matter-of-factly.

    "Right," I said. "Your place. Friday. What time?"

    "6. Jason will be at the bar," He said. "I'm pretty sure he's taking West."

"Right," I said, recalling West telling me about his plans with Jason this Friday. He'd gotten a fake ID from Jason a while ago so that they could go to bars together. Apparently, Jason was quite the bar go-er.

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