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The next day was weird

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The next day was weird. West and I met up early to get coffee at the usual coffee shop. I ordered a chai latte, once again trying something new, while West ordered his usual Americano which he would sweeten with exactly three packets of Sweet-N-Low. And then we both walked to the school, getting to English class just before the bell rang, and to our surprise, there was no teacher.

    Where was Otto?

    We waited fifteen minutes before a few people left because of that rule (you know, if your teacher doesn't show up fifteen minutes after the bell rings, you can leave). Honestly, I doubted that rule was even genuine. Only a few left, but West and I waited patiently, scrolling his Twitter to see what was new. He was obsessing over Charlie Puth for some reason these days.

    Around ten minutes later, we heard the door to the classroom being flung open, hitting the wall in the process and making a loud Bang! sound, like the door might have broken off its hinges. Except it wasn't Otto.

    It was Jason.

    He practically ran to the front of the classroom and tripped over his own feet, spilling most of his coffee on the way there. He looked down at the spill and then up at the class and shot us a very awkward smile. West put his hand over his mouth to avoid laughing, but others were already silently giggling.

    Jason gave a nervous, almost forced laugh. "Uh, hello," he paused and suddenly straightened up, making his shoulders more pronounced, standing up with better posture, and speaking like a guy with a lot of confidence, "I'm your substitute teacher. Now everyone up!"

    Nobody knew what to do, so we all just stood up very slowly. "Attention! Now, are you soldiers ready for a big huge lesson on whatever it is you're doing in this class?!"

    Everyone was quiet and then Jason shook his head and said, "This is where you say: Sir yes sir!"

    We all kind of mumbled it. Everyone was either laughing or grumbling. At least a good half of the class was dead in the morning. Like walking, talking zombies.

    "Now I come from Iraq," He said, starting to pace back and forth. "I did the war there. Served many a year. And I expect the utmost respect when I teach you today, now does that sound good?!"

    "Sir yes, sir!" We mostly mumbled again.

    Jason smiled and then said, "Okay. Then why don't you all just... read your books or whatever."

    One of the guys in the class looked confused and then said, "We were supposed to watch the movie today."

    Jason waited awhile. "Well I don't know how to set the damn thing up, I spent many a year in war-"

    "You've mentioned that." A girl from the back interjected.

    "Well, if one of you mooncalves wants to set it up, nothing is stopping ya!" Jason yelled.

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