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Seeing Jason in the condition he was in was one of the hardest things I'd ever witnessed in my life

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Seeing Jason in the condition he was in was one of the hardest things I'd ever witnessed in my life. And I had witnessed some fucked up shit.

My heart hurt when he mentioned how I never visited him. I wanted to, and I always thought about visiting, but every time West came back from seeing Jason, he would scream at me. He would cuss me out, blame me for Jason's injuries, blame me for ruining his life, and then go and slam his bedroom door. Each time, he wouldn't leave his room for an entire day. So I guess you could say I never felt I deserved to visit Jason. Him coming to visit me was surely a surprise.

As much as I loved and cared for Jason, I couldn't help but get defensive. The drugs were the least of my problems, in fact, the drugs were the solution to my problems. Take a hit, feel numb. Pop a pill, mask your feelings. It was the only genuinely helpful thing in my life besides Big Mike. He wasn't just my human-size sex toy, he was the only person who listened to what I had to say and who understood what the drugs did for me. West and Jason had the wrong impression of Mike. He was a good guy, and he promised to never leave my side as long as I needed him around. Right now, I needed him more than ever.

Mike had left hours ago, as his 2-hour limit was up. And now, I was sitting at the kitchen table, fumbling with my hands to keep myself occupied while I waited for 2 cops to come and get me. Today was the day I had been dreading, yet anticipating at the same time. The day that terrified, yet excited me all at once. The day that was met with too many mixed emotions, I couldn't decide which way to feel.

Today was the day I was going to see Otto again.

Because of the ongoing trial and the investigation regarding Otto's charges, the police had suggested the idea that I pay Otto a visit. He was locked up in the Arbor County jail for the time being, and the police thought it would be beneficial for the investigation that Otto and I talk. They wanted to see if he would confide in me, confess to his killings and his other crimes, or if he would mention anything that could be considered important to the case.

I stupidly agreed to the suggestion.

The thought of seeing Otto after everything that happened terrified me. The last time I saw him, he was being taken away from me by the police, arrested right in front of me. I had watched him as he screamed for the police to let him go, begged me to tell them it was a mistake. Heartbreak in his eyes. I'm sure, pain in his heart. And it all happened so quickly right after I told him how much I loved him. And I still loved him.

How could I be so stupid?

I heard a door opening, and to my surprise, West walked out of his room and into the kitchen. He ignored me and went straight for the fridge right as another door opened. Two police officers walked into the kitchen, catching West's attention.

"I thought there was no questioning this week," he said, eyeing the police officers before slowly looking towards me. His eyes narrowed when he caught sight of me, still enraged by my mere presence. These days, he was never remotely close to civil with me.

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