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I was extremely mad

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I was extremely mad.

Scratch that. I was beyond exasperated. Why the fuck was Jason here? I had knocked him out, he wasn't supposed to be a problem anymore. How had he gotten here so fast?

I stood up, and Harrison stood with me. "Jason?" She asked, seemingly as confused as I was.

"Jason," I said, and I couldn't mask the irritability in my voice.

"Otto, man, you've gotta stop this, you hear me?" Jason said. And then it dawned on me: Jason knew. He knew everything, there was no other reason for him to follow me here. But he couldn't know about me, there was no way. He couldn't know about the book and everything I'd done unless he did some serious detective work.

"What's happening?" Harrison asked from behind me, daring to step forward. I held out my hand to stop her from walking any further.

"Harrison," Jason started to say, "it's all okay. Just stay there, don't move."

"What?" She asked, and this time I actually rolled my eyes. She was so clueless.

"Jason," I laughed. I took a step forward, moving closer towards him. "You shouldn't be here."

"Shouldn't I?" He asked, and he took a step towards me, as well. "You need to stop whatever this is. Whoever you are right now, you need to stop."

"Whoever I am? Well isn't that funny," I taunted. "What? Do you believe I am anyone other than Otto?"

"Don't joke about this right now. I know that you aren't Otto, I know what I saw back at the house. You were dissociating and you're putting on an act right now," Jason said. Apparently, he was angry, too. Not as angry as me.

"Jason, what the hell are you talking about?" Harrison asked, walking so that she was able to face both of us. A smirk crept onto my face.

"Oh please, Harrison," I said. I walked over towards her, cupping her chin in my hand. "It's pathetic how you actually believed I was Otto. I could have sworn you'd be smarter than that."

Harrison's eyes widened. "No, I know it's you," she said. "You... seemed so"

"Normal?" I finished her question. "Don't you think I'd be a seasoned professional by now, sweetheart?" My thumb ran along her lower lip and she tensed upon my touch. How I loved to watch her squirm in my presence.

"Otto, step away," Jason warned. I turned Harrison towards him so that I was holding her in front of me, keeping a tight grasp around her hands so that she couldn't escape, although she surely was trying to pull away from me.

"No, Jason. I think it's time for you to step away," I said. "How do you know?"

I watched Jason take a deep breath. "I found your book," he said. I felt every bone in my body immediately tighten at the thought of Jason in possession of my book. My motherfucking piece of art that I had been working on putting together for years now. He had it. "I'll give you credit. You hid it well, but next time, I'd suggest hiding it somewhere I don't know about."

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