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It was cold

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It was cold. The air was hitting the side of my arm and there was no warmth. My head was pounding, and when my eyes opened, my vision was blurry. I blinked a few times before regaining most of my sense of sight and seeing the sleeping guy beside me: Big Mike. And then I remembered nearly everything about the previous night. The MDMA, the kissing, the alcohol.

Oh shit.

We were asleep on the same couch in his chilly basement where we'd spent most of the night, his arms wrapped around me. And for some reason, I felt like throwing up. Carefully and slowly, I pried his arms away from me and stood up. Mike was knocked out cold and didn't even remotely budge when I got up. I slowly walked upstairs, finding that there were some people still there. Some were passed out, and others were sitting at the counter having an early-morning shot (as one typically does). I just grabbed my purse and snuck out of the house. The only problem I had was the problem of no transportation. And I was desperate to leave before Mike woke up, even though there was a chance that he was dead.


So I started walking. The house was only twenty minutes or less from a part of town I knew well enough. I kept walking until I reached a gas station and decided I needed to call someone to pick me up. Inside the gas station wandering around, I tried to grab for my phone in my pocket, but to my shock, it wasn't there. "You have got to be kidding me," I muttered. I tried looking through my purse, frantically emptying all of the contents out onto the nearest shelf, earning some weird looks from customers in the store. The one day I'm stranded and need to call someone, my phone is missing. I quickly put everything back into my purse and left the store, heading over to the payphone outside. I put 25 cents into the machine and dialed Jason's number (which shocked me that I had even memorized) since I knew that West would be in class.

"You've reached Jason. What the hell do you want at this hour?" Jason answered, groaning. He rarely didn't groan when I called him.

"Sorry for waking you up from your beauty sleep, but I need a favor."

"What's going on?" He asked, all tiredness being wiped from his voice, and I knew he was going to give in and help me.

"I'm outside this gas station, the one out of the city with the dinosaur on it. I just need a ride home," I said.

"Shit. Why the hell are you so far away?"

"I don't really wanna talk about that right now okay? I just need a ride and West's-"

Jason interrupted me, "In class. Probably where you're supposed to be, too."

"Look I know, okay? Jesus, mom," I mocked. "Can you come to get me or not?"

I heard him sigh. "Fine. It'll probably take me thirty minutes, though. So you better get comfortable."

"It's fine, I can wait," I said, eyeing the bench next to the payphone. Guess that would be where I'd be spending my next thirty minutes.

"And where the hell is your phone?" He grumbled. I could hear his bed creaking as he stood up.

"I said not right now."

"Fine. Then you'll tell me in the car," Jason snapped and hung up immediately.

I slowly leaned my back against the brick exterior of the old gas station. I knew that even if Jason was an asshole a lot of the time, he'd come to get me. And even if he didn't necessarily want to pick me up right now, he wouldn't just leave me to fend for myself.

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