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Walking back to my dorm after the final bell had rung, I had one thing I wanted to do

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Walking back to my dorm after the final bell had rung, I had one thing I wanted to do. And trust me, it wasn't my homework. What I really wanted to do was re-watch The Walking Dead on Netflix. The only real episode I wanted to watch at the moment was the one where Carl loses his eye. That episode still gave me all sorts of chills. I opened up the door to my dorm room, immediately turning around to lock it.

"I've been waiting."

I had a minor panic attack and spun around so fast that I accidentally hit my head on the wall and dropped my keys, then proceeded to fall on the ground. I looked up to make eye contact with West, who was standing in the corner of the room. Apparently, I hadn't noticed him upon my entrance. "Well, Jesus. If I knew that was going to happen, I would've waited by the door."

I stood up and rubbed my head, then turning around to face Satan, himself. "What the hell, West?!" I screamed. "You basically could've killed me!"

"But you're alive, aren't you?" He said, giving me a smug smile. That asshole.

I shot him a dirty look and grabbed the Oreos from my desk and went to sit on my bed. "Why are you here? You're not with Jason for once?"

"Jason had work to do, so I came here. Plus, I wanted to get the details about your date with Otto! Spill. Was it great?"

"Don't get me wrong, West, it was amazing," I said.

"There's a 'but' coming, isn't there?" He asked and I nodded. "Ugh, fine. Just spill the details."

"To be honest," I paused, thinking of the best way to phrase it, "there were some parts of the date that were a little sketchy."

"What? No! Why?"

"Well, it's just..." God, where do I start?

"It's just what, Harrison? Come on, I'm literally dying and need to know," he pleaded, seemingly way too interested in my relationship with Otto.

I thought about it. Confiding in West had been something I always did with every secret I ever had. Surely there was no reason to keep this secret to myself. "Okay. So it was weird. I got there and he had this whole dinner set up and it was really nice. He was acting normal, too, the weirdness had nothing to do with his behavior. It was just... the music that he played."

"What? Is he into some super obscure band? Wait! Don't you dare tell me he's into the bagpipes? I still can't forgive my ex for that. I will literally never forget," West blabbed on. It was true, his ex did have an odd obsession with bagpipes. I can vouch for him, as the first time I met said ex boyfriend he had driven us to this restaurant, and the entire ride there a series of terrible bagpipe songs were playing. It was truly disturbing. I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy.

"No, thank God it wasn't like that. But... it was just really weird. Every song that played was a song from my playlist," I explained.

"Wait, which one? The Joji-Frank Ocean one or The 1975-Niall Horan one?" He asked, referring to the few playlists I always played around him.

"The 1975-Niall Horan one," I said. "West, he even played One Direction. He's a 24-year-old English teacher, there's no possible way he's into some British boy band."

"Okay, but everyone likes One Direction. Maybe he's just not the stereotypical directioner ," he suggested. Although, his theory was hard for me to even consider believing.

"That wasn't it, though. He asked me what my favorite book was so I told him that he wouldn't know of it, he said 'try me', and so I did, and I said Call me Hope," I told him.

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