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I heated up my leftovers from Firefly to eat for breakfast

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I heated up my leftovers from Firefly to eat for breakfast. It was so unlike me to indulge in non-breakfast items in the morning, I had always thought it to be so unconventional. Breakfast was for breakfast items like eggs and bacon and toast. But something changed in me this morning and I didn't mind it.

    Today I had called in sick to work due to me being incredibly exhausted. Last night, I had gotten home at almost 2 in the morning, thanks to the 3-hour drive from Traverse City. Although, I regretted nothing about last night. Everything had been phenomenal, including Harrison's favorite restaurant where we dined. It was definitely earning the 17th spot on my list.

    This year must have been the year of all things 17.

    I woke up at noon, clearly having been slightly sleep-deprived. Jason wasn't up until around the same time as me, too, as he had been sleeping in late and going to bed incredibly early. Something about the way he was acting told me he was losing it, but I didn't want to bring his behavior up to Harrison last night because I didn't want her to get too worried about West. I wanted the night to be about us.

    "Spring rolls for breakfast? Or lunch I guess?" Jason asked, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. He pulled out a carton of orange juice and poured some into a rather large cup, then grabbed a beer and proceeded to pour the entire bottle into the orange juice cup. Typical Jason.

    "Beer at noon?" I asked, shaking my head.

    He shrugged, "It's five o'clock somewhere," and took a big swig of his weird concoction.

    "That doesn't give you the free will to drink all day. What are you doing, anyway? Don't you have actual work?" I asked. Jason was supposed to be working a part-time job as a sort of an internship situation for the university to get his nursing license, but lately, he hadn't been leaving the house much.

    Jason downed the whole cup, then let out a burp that lasted just a little too long. Sometimes he could be pretty repulsive. "Nah. I got fired," he stated, taking one of my spring rolls.


    He nodded. "Yup. Guy says I show up too late, I'm not friendly enough, blah blah blah, whatever. Shit like that."

    "He's probably right, Jason," I said. "You can't just be so calm about losing your internship, you need to have one. And you have to start showing up so that you get paid or else you're gonna be knee deep in student debt."

    "Whatever," he grumbled. "So why aren't you at work today?"

    "I was up late last night. Just woke up," I replied.

    "You're never up late." Jason sat down on one of the bar stools on the other side of the counter from where I was brewing coffee. His hair was crazy, with random hairs sticking up in obscure places. It certainly wasn't his best look and I could tell that he hadn't showered in at least a few days. "Where were you last night by the way?"

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