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I woke up with the sun shining on my face through my bedroom curtains and looking towards my nightstand, I saw my clock, telling me that it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon

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I woke up with the sun shining on my face through my bedroom curtains and looking towards my nightstand, I saw my clock, telling me that it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I decided to get up and I shut the curtains before going to the bathroom to take a shower. And a long hot shower was exactly what I needed right now.

    They say they shower is one of the best places for your thoughts to come racing out. And that wasn't a lie. Whenever I showered, my mind went wild with so many different ideas and thoughts, it was incredibly difficult to focus on just one. But today I did focus on one major thought that came to mind: Harrison.

I really liked her, and what I felt for her was so fierce and indescribable. I was positive that I loved her. There was no other way to label it. I didn't want to lose her, but after Jason told me what I did and how I acted, I was sure there wasn't a way to win back her trust.

"Yeah man, you yelled at her to get out and then you had a blackout," Jason had told me. "Well, one of your episodes."

I didn't like to talk about my episodes. It made me feel awful because I could never remember what happened during them. I woke up in a different location each time, and no matter how hard I tried to pull memories out from my unconscious mind, I never had any success. It was incredibly shitty to have to share your own body with someone else. Someone who I, unfortunately, knew nothing about.   

"You were gone for two weeks. She was angry, and she deserves to be. She kept pushing to learn more, but I didn't tell her anything."   

"There's nothing to tell her, anyway," I said. "Since when do you two talk?"

"We started after the whole party fiasco, you know... with me cheating on West and shit. We kept talking a lot more after you didn't show up to class that first time. The school called to make sure you were coming in and I had to rush over to be your substitute teacher. I saved your ass, but it was a fucking mess," Jason said, laughing for a moment before returning to his serious manner. "She's a nice girl, Otto. I hope you don't screw things up with her."   

Jason had never been the type to get involved in my relationships, and that's what was confusing. He has been giving me advice, and he was trying to help me instead of getting drunk at ten in the morning and laying in bed all day. Recently, he had actually been getting up and doing things. He'd even been going to classes, which was shocking considering I wasn't sure he'd ever really been to a college class.    I left my room and Jason was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Are you seriously reading right now or have the aliens invaded?" I asked and went over to the chair across from him, sitting down.   

"Ha-ha, you're funny Otto," Jason said. He waited and set his book down and said, "It's some anatomy textbook, okay? I'm just trying to catch up on course content."

I raised my eyebrows. "Never thought you would be saying those words."

"Well, maybe I'm trying these days, Otto. Cause maybe something hit me and I actually wanted to try and better myself," he snapped. "Maybe you should do the same and go back to work for once in two fucking weeks."   

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