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The party was at this little home just outside of Ann Arbor, not too far from the school

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The party was at this little home just outside of Ann Arbor, not too far from the school. It took about 20 minutes to get to the location, and it was hidden in the woods, thanks to the rather large driveway leading up to the actual house. As you neared closer, you could hear the loud music blasting, and you could smell the muskiness of nicotine and beer. I realized how bad of an idea it probably was to be here right now even though I didn't have the intention of staying long.

    Driving to the party, West kept asking me endless questions like, How did you and Big Mike even end up doing it? How messed up were you? You must be desperate.

    I raised my hand up to flick him when he said the last one.

    West and I parked along the side of the road and walked across the street to the house where the party was being thrown at. Already you could tell just how many people were being shoved into the small house just to have a fun night. On a Monday, too.     Some people have no self-respect.

Immediately as we walked in, West and I were separated by the intoxicated group of dancing high school and college students. I couldn't stand the smell of marijuana mixed with vape mixed with beer mixed with wine, it was way too much to handle. So I headed towards the back door and went outside.

With my luck, I heard a familiar voice yell my name. I turned around and smiled as convincingly as possible, "Hey Mike!"

He came over holding a beer and offered me one, but I declined. "You aren't gonna drink tonight?"   

"I'm not really looking to stay long, honestly. I have stuff that I need to do," I said.   

Mike laughed and said, "C'mon Harrison, you gotta have some fun! Let loose more."   

"I'm pretty sure I let loose enough the other night," I said nervously.

"You had fun, though. Didn't you?" he asked, smirking, and he threw in a wink. God. He definitely remembered everything just as I did...

Reluctantly, I replied, "Yes, I did. That's beside the point though."   

"Hey," he continued, although I so badly wanted the conversation to end, "why'd you dip out so early yesterday morning? You didn't even have a ride, did you call a friend or something?" Mike asked. "I could've given you a ride back."   

"Yeah, I called a friend. I felt sick, so I wanted to go home is all. Look, I just came to see if you found my phone?" I asked.   

"Ah, yeah!" he exclaimed, whipping it out from his pocket. "You left it at the party, I knew it was yours because you got like a billion texts from West." He was laughing and took a drink of his beer.

I grabbed my phone back and looked at the screen, there were texts from West and Otto.

Oh shit.

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