Part Three

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Part Three

The Predator

Otto's actions back at his hideout scared me

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Otto's actions back at his hideout scared me. The way he had gone from extremity to extremity: from calling himself a monster and telling me that he couldn't be with me to begging me to go on a trip to the mountains with him. It didn't make any sort of sense to me. I was tempted to call Jason and ask him about Otto and why he would be so desperately wanting to bring me to the mountains. It seemed so random and I wanted answers, but I knew that calling Jason may not be the best idea because if Otto was home with him and heard that I called, he would get mad like he did at the hideout. Maybe he would hurt himself again.

    The way he plunged his keys into his arm was so vivid in my mind. The gushing, red blood trickling down his arm. It was all too familiar, reminding me of my brother. I shivered at the thought of his death, not wanting to relive it.

    I grabbed an empty, black Adidas backpack out of my closet and began packing it up with things I might need for the mountains. What the hell was I doing?

    I truly loved Otto. That quickly became evident to me.

    I was in love with him, and I had agreed to go on the trip with him because of that fact. I didn't want to lose him, in fact, the idea of losing him scared me. It scared me even more than his mysterious, angry second personality. There was something so captivating about him, something that made me feel the need to be with him. Although our relationship wasn't legal, and it wasn't necessarily the healthiest, I couldn't help it. The mysterious man with the deep voice had gotten to me, and I became addicted to his cinnamon latte. I yearned for it. For him in my life.

    Packing my things up, I realized that West didn't know what was happening. I wasn't so sure if telling him was the best idea or not. So I kept it to myself, continuing to pack things up. I ignored my urges and grabbed a warmer jacket, hopefully, warm enough for the mountain.


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