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Harrison and I had finally reached the parking lot of Mount Huron, and the word 'excited' couldn't even capture what I was feeling

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Harrison and I had finally reached the parking lot of Mount Huron, and the word 'excited' couldn't even capture what I was feeling. Perhaps euphoric, jubilant, or even orgasmic would give a better description of the otherworldly sensation I felt.

The number of times Otto had tried to stop me during the car ride up had been plentiful, but there was no way I was going to let him stop me this time. After what happened with Jolene, I had to make sure I was being extra careful. I needed to stay in control. There was one thing I knew: if Otto woke up now, it would all be over, and things would never be the same. I couldn't risk waking him up and ruining my plans. I needed him to be quiet so that I could focus on the mission at hand, so that I could focus my attention completely on Harrison. I needed to keep distractions to a minimum.

I parked the car in the completely empty lot at the base of Mount Huron. Thank God no one wanted to climb mountains in Michigan. Turning to Harrison, I smiled, and so did she. "Ready?" I asked.

"I've never actually climbed a mountain before," she said. Her eyes pierced into mine, and I so badly wanted to roll mine. How could Otto be so foolish to fall for this girl? That was Otto's fatal flaw, that bastard couldn't help himself when he was around a pretty girl. He got too involved and overly attached, and then I would have to turn around and fix things. Make the problem disappear.

"It's not too high. And it's basically just a hike," I said. "Come on, it'll be fun." I grabbed her hand in an attempt to mask myself as the real, lovable Otto. Gag me.

She smiled and squeezed my hand, nodding in response. "Okay," she said, getting out of the passenger side. I got out and went to the back of the car while I watched Harrison looking up towards the mountain. I checked my bag to make sure everything was there, and I smiled when I saw that I had everything I needed. I knew exactly what time it was.



I was driving 20 miles per hour over the speed limit at all times

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I was driving 20 miles per hour over the speed limit at all times. I felt extremely frantic, and there was no possible way to calm myself down. Otto was a serial killer who murdered his girlfriends when he dissociated into his second personality, who apparently went by the name The Predator. Not even an entire case of Jack Daniels could calm my nerves, and that was saying something.

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