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Harrison loved him?

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Harrison loved him?

Otto had done it again, getting himself into his usual mess. Falling in love like the dumbass he was. And she had called me a demon! It was hard to hold back my anger, but I kept my appearance calm and collected as if I really were Otto. She had believed me thus far. I couldn't afford a slip-up.

She loved him. Of course.

She was in for a rude awakening.


I had practically torn Otto's room apart looking for anything suspicious that would lead me to why he was so eager to get away with Harrison, or why he had dissociated

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I had practically torn Otto's room apart looking for anything suspicious that would lead me to why he was so eager to get away with Harrison, or why he had dissociated. However, there hadn't been any clues hidden away in his room, which left me clueless (pun intended). So I decided to make my way to the only other place I could think to check: his classroom.

Despite the fact that I wasn't able to find his keys, I knew that I needed to get in there. If he had something hidden in his classroom, it may lead me to his motive for taking Harrison to the mountains. It would be my last hope.

When I arrived at the school, there weren't many people walking around campus, which was good for my mission. Hopefully, no one would see me breaking into Otto's classroom. The last thing I needed was to get caught for breaking and entering on school premises. That surely wouldn't help my case.

I made my way towards the building he taught in, which was conveniently open. I knew his classroom was the first on the right, so I looked around before pulling on the doorknob to open it. It was locked. Go figure. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bobby pin I always kept on hand. I had taught myself to unlock doors with bobby pins when I was in high school and got locked out of the house late one night past curfew. No way was I getting caught.

After around 30 seconds of trying to open the door, I finally unlocked it and slipped inside without anyone noticing. Thank God.

Otto's desk was at the front of the classroom, and I took in the features of the room as I sauntered over towards the desk. He had done some more decorating: hanging up posters of books he liked, adding a decorative rug under the podium at the front center of the room, and he even had a fake Bonsai tree next to his desk. Interesting. He always said he hated fake plants.

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