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I finished eating my microwavable oatmeal (one of the few options I had for breakfast in my dorm room, as there was only a microwave) and immediately left to head to class

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I finished eating my microwavable oatmeal (one of the few options I had for breakfast in my dorm room, as there was only a microwave) and immediately left to head to class. West was waiting for me when I got into English class. It had been almost two weeks now since the party incident and I still hadn't talked to Otto. There was definitely something up with him, or at least that's what Jason told me.

"He acts weird sometimes," Jason said. "But that's just it, Harrison, he's different. Everything about him is."

Jason and I had been talking recently. He wasn't the biggest asshole ever, as it turns out. He could actually be pretty nice when he wasn't drunk out of his mind. I had asked him multiple times if he would ever try and get West back, and he always said yes, but only after he was better. No alcohol, parties, or boyfriends until he learned how to control himself. I tried to talk to West about Jason constantly, putting in a good word. West just barely hinted at the fact that he still liked Jason (and a lot), but he was still torn up about the party situation and what he had walked into, and I couldn't blame him. The picture of what happened that night was still vivid in my head, too.

The bell rang and West elbowed me. "Are you ever going to talk to your lover again?"

I smacked his shoulder because the word lover was disgusting in my opinion. "I think I should today. Maybe I'll see what's up with him."

"Looks like he hates you," He said.

Maybe. But he doesn't have the right to. I didn't have the balls to look up and make eye contact with Otto, so I kept pretending I was writing things down in my planner.

I paid attention. We were reading The Odyssey now and I didn't really understand it, but thankfully West was around to explain it. For some reason, he understood most of the book, and when he couldn't, we used SparkNotes. It was a real life-saver for me.

The class trod along. 92 minutes for the first period of the day just seemed never-ending. But when we had hit the 87-minute mark (oddly specific, yes, but I was keeping track), Otto decided to dismiss us all early. So after everyone had left the classroom, I took in a deep breath and walked up to his desk. "Hey," I said. "Look, Otto, I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you, it's just been-"

But he interrupted me. "I don't have time to talk right now, I have another class coming in soon and maybe it'd be best if you headed to yours, as well."

"I have an off period, you know that," I said.


"What did I do? Why are you mad at me?" I asked, seriously confused. Sure, I hadn't talked to him, but he hadn't exactly put in the effort to talk to me, either. He didn't have the right to be angry at me. "Jason is your friend, Otto. If anything, you're the one who's being an ass right now."

"Just leave. Now," He said, his tone was cold, and the words came out of his mouth like he was Edward Cullen talking to Bella after she had asked to change her into a vampire for the billionth time. He was angry, even beyond it, but he had no reason to be. Without another word, I turned around and left.

There was no way I was going to become a vampire today. More specifically, there was no way Otto was talking to me today. And honestly, I didn't particularly want to talk to him at the moment, either. He was putting me off, but for what reason? Because we hadn't spoken in weeks? It hurt me that we hadn't talked at all since that night when we almost had sex again, of course it did. But I couldn't stand how he was acting so cold towards me, like I didn't matter. Like he didn't even want to talk to me. Like we weren't still in a relationship.

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