1 Meeting Him

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I was grazing with my herd but I was away from the other horses. They were teasing me again. The lead mare was mad at the head stallion for letting me stay in the herd but he won't let me go. " Let's go guys. Yea!" I hear a voice yell along with hoof beats. The head stallion lets out a scream. All of the herd starts to gallop away. I finally see men on horses getting closer. I'm still just standing there hopeful they don't see. The herd wasn't that far away, I turned around and started to gallop at the herd. There was over 15 men on very fast horses."Get the bay mare she's perfect for the alpha!" One of the men yell. I know their talking about me well because I'm the only bay. I stand out of the herd so I guess I should of stuck with plan A. The men move up next to me so I have to speed up. I realize that the herd is getting tired and slowing down. That means that the men might go for one of the other horses, I can't let that happen. I slide to a stop and the men surround me as the herd gets away unharmed. " She a quarter horse how did she get out here with the Mustangs?" One says looking at me confused. I nicker lowly as he through a rope around my neck. I look at the horses their riding and most of them were Appaloosas. Not one of them were sifters. Their smells were normal but the riders had a smell of wolves. I rear up pulling back on the rope. " She's a real cutie." A man says. " Lets get her back. The alpha's party is soon." A different one says walking his horse forward. The rope tugs on my neck. I step moving with them.

" Do you think he'll like her?" One man asks the others." I don't know but I bet he'll love training her." Someone answers almost in a snicker. " No kidding." They laugh. The wolf smell gets stronger as we walk. I put my head up and smell the air the wolfs are super close. I need to break free. I rear and buck pulling as hard as I can. " I think she can smell us." The man holding the rope says. " We're close to the pack house I think she can smell packs smell." One answers. Their werewolf's that's why I smell wolves. I calm down a little as I see a really big house come into view.We get there and I See a lady with her back turned to the men as we walk up."Put her in a stall and get her ready for his party." A older women demands. Then she turns around to look at me. " Where did you get a quarter horse from let alone a cherry bay?" She ask with wide eyes." She was with a herd of wild mustangs but she's not every wild. She'll be great for the alpha." one of the men explain."She better that's my son your talking about." The woman says. The men nod and head to a really big barn.

The men got off their horses and took me to this stall thingy where it hand two ropes on both sides and 4 hoses coming from the roof. " Come on girl lets get you cleaned up." A man says. It took about 12 of the men to wash me off." Why did you stop running this is your fault!" Cherry says to me. "Stop I was helping our herd, our family." I say back." They were not our family. You should have ran off and forgot them." She snaps. The men walk me to a stall that has food. " Grab the bow please." The man asks. " A bow. No that's not going to happen Clara do something!" Cherry snaps. The man comes over to me with a big red bow. I Pin my ears back biting at him. " Fine you don't have to!" The man gives up.

" It's time." The lady from earlier says with a big smile. " He's going to love her!" She smiles. " Come on girl lets hope you make the alpha happy but let me give you a little bit about him. He's gone through a lot. He hasn't been happy after his father died so please try and be a good horse." The man says putting a thingy on my head it was a bright neon blue. Two men open the doors of the barn and the was at lest 400 people/werewolf's standing around but only one caught my eye. He was standing in the front as the man walks me to him."What do you think alpha Max?" The man holding me asks holding out the rope for the "Alpha" To take." I told you I'm not riding!" The alpha yells. I Look at him and I can see the anger in his eyes. I let out a whiny, rearing off the floor by a foot. The alpha looks at me still angered. " It's not even strong it has no muscle. It won't last a day here!" The alpha glares at me. I Look at him, he has black hair and bright blue eyes along with a sharp jawline and tan skin. He was strong.  I pin my ears at his words of using it not her. "Sir be careful what you say she's every mean." The man holding me says stepping away. " No I don't want it return it to where IT came from!" The alpha yells." We can't we got her from a herd of wild mustangs she lost her herd." One of the men who brought me here explains." You got it from the wild?" The alpha asks. The men nod. The alpha looks at me taking the rope from the man. He stairs at me and I see his eyes soften. There's this strong force pulling me to him. I step forward putting my forehead on his chest." Mate, Mate we found him." Cherry says wanting to take over and change to a human. I think he can feel it too because he wrapped his arms around my nose. " So You want her?" The lady asks." Yes Her name is now Fox." He smiles kissing my white star on my head. " I'm going to put her in the pasture then we can get back to the party." He adds leading me in the direction of the pasture. Everyone goes back into the house.

He opens the gate and let's me walk in. " Is my mate just a horse or are you a shifter?" He asks. I stare at him." I'm Max." He adds. He looks at me with hope in his eyes. " If you are not just a horse will you shift for me please?" He asks hopping over the fence so he's standing in front of me. I shake my head no, pawing the ground. " How about I shift for you and you shift for me?" He pushes. I shake my head again. " Ok Fine I'll see you later." He groans waking to the house. I smile to my self. " Not so bad now am i right?" I say to cherry.

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