8 What Reading Gives You

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Max stares at me in shock. " Wait a brother I thought you were the last one." he says Picking me up walking me to the barn. " I ran into him Max. He's a black stallion!" I sob wrapping my arms around Max's neck as he sets me down on a stack of hay. I feel his arms wrap around my lower back as he hugs me. "Shh I got you." Max whispers and runs his fingers through his hair. This makes me calm down a bit. Midnight nickers pushing my shoulder from her stall. "Hey girl how you feeling." I say letting go of Max petting her neck as I suck up my sobs. She puts her head on my chest. "How long did Dr. Peter say she is pregnant?" I ask as Max wraps is arms around my waist. " 5 months." Max answers. " Okay so she's going to be do in a few months. She needs new straw every week and oats." I explain. " How do you know this?" He ask laughing. " I'm a horse moron." I say kissing midnight's forehead. "Right but it's not like you were pregnant before. Wait were you!" he panics. I laugh. "No I've never been pregnant but I was in a herd." I say opening her stall walking in. " Hey sweetie." I say to her putting my hand on her stomach. I wait a few minutes when I feel something move. " Max come here." I whisper. He walks over to my side. I grab his hand putting it where mine was. " Oh my gosh that's amazing!" he yells. The sound of the barn door opening startled Me. "Alpha, Luna what are you doing up so late?" A pack member asks with sleepy eyes at the barn door. I smile when I was called Luna. "Just checking on the mare. Also there's no hunt for the man at dawn." Max answers grabbing my hand, giving it a squeeze. The guy nods and walks back to the house. "Let's go to bed." Max saying picking me up carrying me over to the house. We get to his room and his sets me down on his bed. "I'm sorry about what I said I didn't mean it." he whispers laying next to me. I sigh, laying my head on his chest. "I know it just hurt." . "We need to sleep." he says playing with my hair. I drift off to sleep.

(In the morning)
" Hey sweetie wake up." I hear Max say shaking me a little. " Maxie just a little longer." I beg using a nickname. " Did you just-" I cut him off by rolling over so I'm facing him. I kiss his nose. " I love your eyes." he smiles kissing my cheek. We cuddle for a little just holding each other. " I want you to not wear your necklace today." Max says breaking the silence. I reach up to my necklace holding it in my hand. "Why?" I ask. "I want the pack to know your smell plus you smell amazing." he explains taking his hand and undoing my necklace. My sent is let out. Max moans putting his head in my neck. He lets out a low growl. "I just want to mark you right now." he whispers in my neck. "What's stopping you?" I ask. He starts to suck on my neck, he gets on top of me and pins my arms above my head. "No I can't." he says trying to pull away from me but it's like he's fighting his wolf. "He can't get control of his wolf" Cherry informs me. " I want to be his" I say too her. " No not yet it's just the bond talking" She yells at me. Max rips him self off of me. He breaths heavy. "Do we have a Library?" I asks him getting out of bed. "Yes down stairs to the left?" he answers. I run to the library as fast as possible. I need to learn about werewolf mates. When I get there I pick out a few books and start to read.
The female mate has different effects on the male mate. Simple sexual actions can set off the male as in Lip biting, showy clothing, being strong headed, etc.
So that's why he was so different this morning I'm wearing one of his shirts.
A male mate must mark his female. In this process he must bit the females neck leaving a mark and smell of his on the girl.
" That's sounds painful" I say to Cherry and she agrees. We continue to read when something starts to scare me.
On a rare occasion if the female is a difference species from the male the marking will change her. When she is marked, she will change species and become what her mate is.
What the hell. He is going to turn me into a werewolf and not tell me till after. I slam the book close and storm through the door run to find Max. "Max!" I scream as I open his door "Yes sweetie?" he asks sitting up from his bed. "Were you not going to tell me!" I yell at him. " What do you mean?" he asks walking to me but I back up. "That when you mark me I'll become a werewolf!" I yell throwing a pen at him. He gives me a guilty look and put his head down. "I thought you going to the library was weird. I'm sorry I just knew you wouldn't let me mark you if you found out." Max sighs. "Well you were right. Your not taking my horse!" I yell throwing a water bottle at him. "Okay stop throwing things at me and If you don't let me you wont fully be mine!" He growls at the idea of me not being his. I turn around to leave. "Where are you going!" He yells grabbing my arm. "To find my brother." I say pulling out of his grip. I open his door and his mom is standing there. With a pissed face that says "I'm about to say something stupid. Punch me!" . "See I told you son she would be a bad Luna she doesn't even want to give up her horse to be here." She snaps. I glare at her. "I'm not okay with giving up my other half. Unlike you I have a heart of whats happening around me!" I yell at her. She lifts her hand and slaps me. "You need to learn your place foal." She snares at me. I hold in my tears and Max runs over to his mom. "What was that! You just hit my mate mother! What were you thinking?" He screams at her holding me in his arms. I try and get away from him but he just holds tighter. "I'm thinking that Mia would be a better Luna." She mumbles. "Get out mother!" Max growls at her. She walks out of his room with a smirk knowing she won. "We need to stop fighting." He whispers holding me closer to him if that's possible. "I know but you don't tell me things. I feel like you think that I'm stupid and won't find out." I whisper hugging back. "I don't think you stupid. Your incredibly smart that's why I didn't want to tell you." he says kissing my head. "But I have to mark you no matter what. Your my mate." he adds. "I know." I whisper in defeat. "I won't now but in 3 weeks." he says letting me go. "In 3 weeks I'll be a werewolf." I sigh. He gives me a loving smile telling me everything will turn out okay.

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