20 Lunch to Pain

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*3 months later*
"WE NEED TO FIND A DOCTOR FOX!" Max yells at me. I've only been pregnant for 3-4 months and I've had no signs of giving birth any time soon. "Max baby I'm part horse it's probably gonna take longer. No more doctors." I whisper placing a hand on my tummy. oh by the way. The pack doctor was found. Dead. Hanging from a tree right out side the pack boundaries. He killed himself. Not surprising he knew Max would torture him if he was found alive. But Max is freaking out over our pup. "She could be dead and her body will poison you." He says gripping his hair. "Max please please calm down I'm fine. I promise. Look." I say standing up spinning around with my big belly. "Now go to your meeting I'll see you in a few." I whisper kissing his cheek. He lets out a huge loud sigh letting me know I won.
     I find Chase playing with Callie again. They were digging in the dirt and pulling up worms. I wanted to puke it was gross but hey they do what ever they want. "Chase do you wanna go get lunch somewhere," I ask "Callie if you are hungry you can come to." I finish throwing in a sweet smile. "Yes please." They say at the same time. They giggle and run over. "Go wash your hands first and meet me by the car I'm gonna see if aunt Emma and uncle Nathan want to come." I tell them. As they do that. I head out to the barn.
Emma is grooming one of the horses Blue. Nathan is sitting there like a creep watching her like a hawk. "Hey do you guys wanna go get lunch?" I ask. Before Nathan can say anything Emma chucks the brush and yells "OMG YES PLEASE IM SOOOO HUNGRY!" She quickly puts Blue away and heads to the car Nathan and I closely behind. "Sis you look like your gonna pop." Nathan jokes. Sending him a quick glare and a kick in the leg we hop in the car. Nathan was driving so I put Callie in the car seat and Chase right next to me. I don't want to be responsible for killing someone else's pup especially when I'm luna.
We pull up to Rocky's dinner. Know for the best stake in the territory. My wolf takes a deep breath smelling all the blood.
    We get out and head in side. Callie by my side and Chase on the other.
    "Hi Luna where would you like to sit?" The kind waiter asks me. "Where ever you," I started but I was cut off by a wet feeling coming down my leg. "Someone get Max and get me back to the pack house," I say calmly. "The baby is coming."  All hell broke loose everyone was freaking out. The waiter, Billy was calling Max. Emma was helping me to the car. Nathan was going to stay with the kids to get lunch. Even though he really wanted to come.
     We burst through the pack house door. Max is there waiting with a new doctor. That's when the pain really kicked in. Everything hurt.
        All I could hear was my wolf howling and my screams. I could feel Max's hand hold mine as I squeeze it till it breaks. Good thing that werewolf can heal quickly to. This is the first time I have actually seen Max in real pain, not from me squeezing his hand but because he was watching my pain.
      The pain was worse and worse till my small body couldn't take it anymore.

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