3 Ran Away

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We walk back to the field and the filly is taken to the barn. " She's pretty isn't she." Max coo's over her. I nicker. " You are going to be a great Luna for my pack." he says smiling. " His pack. He wants us to be his Luna!" cherry says happily. " Max Mia is here leave the horse and come bond. If you don't find your mate I'm putting you with Mia." His mother calls and next to her is a perfect girl about his age. " Ok coming!" he yells back but didn't say anything about me or too me. Cherry takes control and pins her ears back at him. He starts to walk away but she lunges forward grabbing his shirt. " Fox let go!" he yells in his alpha voice and continued to walk. " No. He can't be over us this is your fault you should have show'd him what you look like!" Cherry yells at me. The girl walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck hugging him. Cherry screams out rearing at the fence. " I think you spend to much time with that horse." his mom says looking at me. " I think I do." Max agrees. I feel Cherry's spirt fade. I put my head down but quickly bring it up, galloping to the back corner of the paster. " I will wait tell night fall then we leave." I tell Cherry. She doesn't answer but I can tell she agrees.

@night fall@
Max and that Mia girl have been out riding the other horses and just walking around the pack house. I canter down the gate closes to the pack house and take a look. Cherry pushes me backwards, me thinking that she doesn't want to go but she canters to the gate jumping over it perfectly. We take off galloping down the rode just off the back side of the pack house, so we could still see what was going on there. " We'll stay here for a while then we move on." Cherry instructs me. I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to yelling. " Where is she? Alpha Max is going to be so mad!" a man yells looking through the barn. The others are running around like headless chickens. " I'm going to be mad about what?" Max ask walking out of the house( he has really good hearing). " Nothing alpha." one man lies. " I'm going to be mad about what?" Max ask more fiercely. " F-fox she's gone." The other man stutters. " What do you mean she's gone." Max yells fuming mad. " She not around the pack house in the barn or the fields." the men explain. " No no no this can't be happening. Why did I say those things to her!" he yells. " Ok calm down we'll find her." Max says to his wolf. " Men get search groups together and meet at the driveway." He commands. I just watch from a little ways away. " We better go their going to look back here." I tell cherry. I pick up a canter and head down the forest. So I've seen a bunny. That's it just a bunny. Now I'm just walking in the forest well I ran for about 7 hours so it's dark out and I need to find somewhere to sleep. Cherry starts to get happy when she sees a small town. Right out side of the town I stop. " I'm going to shift." I say to cherry. I take a deep breath and I hear the cracking of bones and I feel them pop. Here I am, in human form sitting on the floor but I'm not naked like in the movies. I have a red tee shirt and blue Jeans on. There's also a necklace hanging from my neck. It's a red Crystal. " I remember this your mom gave it to you when you were born it hides my smell as your a human. No shifter can tell who you are by smell." Cherry explains to me. I nodded standing on my two feet stumbling a bit. There's this wonderful smell that is getting closer to me. The wonderful smell is followed by trucks and cars speeding into town. Max and the men who first brought me here jump out of the vehicles. I put my head down and walk faster. " Miss! Miss!" I hear Max call out. Keep walking I tell myself. He puts his hand on my shoulder. " Please I need your help." he mumbles. I turn around and face him. " W-with W-what?" I ask not speaking well. " I'm missing a horse she ran away. 15.1 cherry bay mare. Are you okay?" He explains. " I-I'm f-fine. I haven't see-n y-your horse." I stutter. " No your not okay.I can't leave you out here. Do you have a car?" he asks. I shake my head no. " Would you like me to drive you home?" he asks. Tears collect in my eyes. " I-I-I don't have one." I whisper as a single tear drops out. " What happened?" He pushes taking a step to me, and I take one back. " Everyone hurts me?" I sob running back to the forest. There was dog paw sounds coming from behind me. I run as far as I can till my leg can't take it. The Paw pounding get closer and a huge wolf with black far and blue eyes comes. I turn to run again but..........................

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