13 The Luna

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* The next day*
Max told his mom yesterday now noon today is when I'm named Luna. " Clara baby come back to bed." Max groans as I Pace around the room. " Max what if they hate me? What if I'm not a good Luna I need to be for the pack." I ramble sitting next to him on the bed. " Baby you were made for me I was made for you. You are going to the best Luna any Pack can have. I can tell when your just walking around the pack." Max says pulling me into his lap. I sigh as he wraps his arms around my waist. " We were made for him. What the hell is that supposed to mean." Cherry growls loudly in my head. " What isn't that good?" I ask her. " No it's not. We were made for him by the moon goddess. Witch mean he had no choice to be with us he was forced!" She yells. I think for a minute. She's right but she also over thinking it. I feel like we had no choice being shifters we don't have a choice. Max kisses my mark making Cherry forget everything. I moan leaning into his touch. " I love you." Max whispers. " I love you too." I whisper. I look over at the clock above the bed and it's 11.30. " Max I have to get dressed." I whisper into his ear bitting it a little. He moans. " Fine but hurry." he sighs getting up him self. I find a blue-ish dress and put it on. When I turn around of course Max is still here! " Max why didn't you leave!" I yell blushing. He just watched me change. His hands fold by his lower area and he blushes. " I was leaving but I turned around to ask you a question and you had your shirt off then I couldn't move." he whispers. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. " I think I'm gonna puke." I whisper feeling sick. I'm going to be a Luna soon. " Max." I ask. " Your mom's mark. It's a moon with you dads name under. How come mine looks like a bite mark?" I ask putting a hand on my neck. He smirks kissing my mark. " We haven't finished the mating. As soon as we do your mark we be unique to who you and I am together. My mother has a red moon because my father and her made this pack." He explained tearing up a little talking about his father. " Oh." Was all that I could say. " Baby it's time." His mother says coming through his door. He smiles down at me and leads me to the crowning room. All of the pack was there. From the oldest to the youngest. The wise elder will make me Luna. " Clara being Luna of red moon pack you must care from them, Protect them, love them, train them, watch over them, and risk your life for them." The eldest says as Max standing next to me holding my hand. " Yes very much yes." I answer. Stupid why didn't I just said I do? Max squeezes my hand showing me it was okay. " Alpha Max do you make this wolf your Luna?" He asks Max. " I do." he simply answers. " Alpha, Luna will you shift please." The eldest asks us. I nodded and shift with Max. Everyone stares in awe. My small red and black wolf next to Max's huge midnight black wolf. The color of his hair. My eyes bright green, his bright blue. " Red moon pack your new Luna and your Alpha." The eldest says strongly. Max puts on a Wolfe grin and licks my head. Sparks shoot through me. I cuddle into his chest. Everyone walks up telling us how cute we are and they can't wait to get to know me. " Baby your wolf is so rare. Your red red and black. Your beautiful." I hear Max say through mind link. I lick under his chin because I can't reach his cheek. " Let's go back to our room." Max links. I nodded. We bowl to our pack letting them know they are dismissed. Max and me race up to our room. Pushing each other around. When we get up stairs into our room we shift. " I can't believe it were alpha and Luna!" I yell up and down on the bed. " Yeah we are. How freak'n amazing it that!" he yells tackling me on to our bed. " Pretty amazing." I giggle as we play fight. I don't know what has our energy up but it's awesome. " So your mark what do you stay?" Max asks. I raise an eyebrow asking what he meant. " Complete it." he adds. I smile and kiss him. He kisses back ruff. Let's just say in the morning my real mark will show..........

🚫not edited🚫

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