17 The Dead Enemy

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Max's pov
"Alpha there tracks over here!" My beta yells. Every one of my worriers are searching. Searching for my family. The only one I have is Chase. Clara and our baby went missing. First Clara then our child. They left Chase though. "Shit! Alpha Mia isn't on pack grounds!" My tracker says. Mia. Mia is the reason my loves are gone. "Find them!" I scream. My body starts to shake in rage. Sweat rolls of my nose.

"Max wake up!" Clara screams. I jolt awake and wrap me arms around her waist. I can feel her crying. "Clara are you okay?" I ask her. She lets out a deep sigh and leans back a little. "Your were having a nightmare... But I could see everything that was going on in your head." She whispers wiping sweat off my forehead. I looked into her eyes to see her beautiful green eyes then lean in to kiss her nose. "Mommy is daddy okay?" Chase asks walking in. He rubs his eyes with his fists and let's out the cutest yawn. "Yes buddy I'm okay. Hop up here." I whisper patting a spot between me and Clara. He jumped on the bed and started to fall back asleep. "You really think Mia would do that?" She asks me. Her hands play with Chase's hair. " I don't know. What else could it have been?" I say back.

  Clara's pov
Max had a bad nightmare last night. The ending was worse. He's talking to his tracking team about finding Mia's history. My tummy is getting bigger. I can't sleep on my stomach anymore it kind sucks. Chase is going to school. Alpha school. He's next in line if we don't have a son. "How are you?" A pack member ask. " just fine thank you. How are you?" I say back. "Wonderful." They answer. I make my way outside to the barn to find Chase. Emma comes sprinting up to me with a red face. "Clara help. Max. Luke. Fight. Pissed!" She pats. "Hey hey breath. Now what's going on?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath. "Max found the guy who tried to kill you! His name is Luke he's gonna kill him." She rambles before dragging me off. I fast walk. More of a wattle. When we reach the forest. I see Max's black wolf growling and a smaller brown wolf snarling back at him. Max's eyes were no longer a sparkling light blue. They were a dull dark hatful blue. "Max back off!" I yell. Max ignores me and lunges at the brown wolf. Emma screams on the top of her lungs. I can't shift this fall along with the baby. "MAX!" I screech. The brown wolf had no chance Max was going to kill him. He jumped on him and pinned the wolf to the floor. Max let's out a strong growl before clamping his mouth around the wolfs' neck and ripped his head off. I've never seen Max so raged. Hw through the head and shifted back to human form. Blood covers his hands and face. His eye return to there normal color. "Clara." He whispers walking closer to me. "You shouldn't have been here." He says pulling me into a hug. I just nodded before pulling away. "Mommy!" Chase yells giggling and hugs my legs. "Hey
Baby!" I smile back. Max walks up behind me. "Chase are you ready for a little sister!" He says excitedly. "Hey it could be a boy!" I giggle. Chase's eyes light up and his smile widens. "Yes!" He yells. I look down and notice something in his mouth. I bend down and grab his face lightly. "Smile." I order him softly. He's getting his adult teeth. "Can I pull your lose tooth?" I ask him with a sweet smile. "No it will hurt!" He yells covering his mouth. The "But your a big strong alpha Buddy." Max try's to convince him. "I'll think about it it." He smiles. You can clearly see that his front tooth is loose. "Hey bud will you go play with Emma and Nathan for a bit while I talk to Mommy?" Max asks. Chase nodded and ran off. "That wolf was hired by Mia to kill you." He says. He pulls me into another hug. "I couldn't let them get away with it baby." He sighs into my ear then kisses it. "Them?" I ask quietly. He nodded quickly. "We have Chase and this pup on the way. I had to kill them both." He whispered pulling back from the hug. "Mia's dead." He adds.

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