15 The Problem

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  Max holds my hand as the doctor tests my blood for any bad things that could kill our baby. " Well Alpha, Luna we have a problem." The doctor says looking up from his computer. I
Grip Max's hand harder afraid of what he was go to say. " Stay calm. It will be okay." Max links me before pulling me into his lap. " What is it?" Max ask shakily. " Clara is blood type A- which means she needs monthly shots so her body won't kill the baby." The doctor explains. A wave relief came over me as his words came out. " Thank you doctor." I whisper.
  After I got my shot for this month we walk out. " I have a friend I want you to meet. I think you'll really like him." Max says grabbing my hand taking my up stairs to the kids play room. There's one little boy still in there. Sandy blonde hair blue eyes. " Follow me." Max links me as he walks in. " Maxie!" The little boy yells running up to Max hugging him. " Hey Chase!" Max says matching his tone. The little boy was adorable and how Max hugged him was even cuter. " Chase I want you to meet my soon to be wife." Max says picking him up. " Hi I'm Clara." I say putting out my hand for him to shake. " I'm Chase." He answers shaking my hand. " Well Chase how old are you?" I ask smiling. " 6." He answers holding up 7 fingers. " He's an orphan. We found him on the border alone as a baby so everyone takes turns taking care of him but he's like a brother to me." Max explains through mind link. Chase slowly lets go of Max's neck and reaches out to me. I look up at Max to see if he is okay with me holding him. Max gives me a nod telling me it's okay.  I grab lightly under Chase's arms and hold him on my waist. " Your pretty." Chase whispers blushing a little. " Your handsome your self buddy." I giggle. " Hey don't go stealing my girl now." Max jokes. " Come do the puzzle with me?" Chase asked with hope. " Of course buddy we'll be over in a second I just have to talk to Max first." I say setting him gently on the floor. Chase runs over to the table where the puzzles are and I turn to Max. He has a huge smile on his face. " I can't let him sleep in the orphan beds any longer Max. I know we have one on the way and it will be a lot of work but can't we at least try it out?" I ask looking and the little Blonde pouring puzzle pieces out. " I was hoping for you to say that." He whispers pecking my lips before we walk over to tell Chase hand in hand.

After we told Chase we got his stuff packed up and we are signing papers to take him. You should've seen the smile on his face when we told him. It went from ear to ear. Along with me and Max's. I love this little boy like my own and I haven't even known him for a day. I'm so glad that I get to have him, my baby on the way, and Max it's like a perfect life. Till I remembered someone tried to poison me....

Sorry for the short chapter but I still hope you guys love it. ❤️

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