11 Midnight's foal

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( I wanted to thank Thewantedrider for making the new cover to my book)

I stare at him in awe. " Max why didn't you tell me?" I ask turning to him. He sighs kissing my cheek. "I was afraid you would not switch." He whispers. "You do see that I love you and I would doing anything for you." I say laughing a little putting my necklace on. " Will it mask my scent still." I ask him. " No it won't." He says. " Let's go for a run." Cherry says. "Max i'm going for a run." I say jumping of the bed. " Okay I have some alpha stuff to do so be careful." he yells as I run out of the house. I shift into my horse body feeling the wind in my mane. Some of the pack members stare at me but others just work. "Let's go." Cherry yells in my head. We take off through the forest.

* Hours later*
I was dripping sweat head to toe so I start to walk back to the pack house."Baby I need you back at the pack house something is wrong with midnight." Max say through mind link. I Trot the last few steps and shift to human form running into the barn. I see the vet and Max with a few other people. " What happened?" I ask walking closer. When I do so I see that Midnight was laying on the floor sweating and screaming. " She's having her foal." I say grabbing a bucket of water. " Everyone but Max leave!" I yell at them. We don't want midnight uncomfortable. " Max come here." I say. He walk over sitting next to me. " Sponge her down and keep her calm. Where's Lighting?" I tell him. "Lightning is in the stall right there." Max panics. I nod and wait by the rear of her for the foal.
* Half an hour later*
  Me and Max watch as Midnight licks her colt. "Clara do you want kids?" Max asks. " Of course." I say hugging him. "Oh thank god." he sighs. I smile. "It's getting dark we should go to bed." Max whispers kissing my head. I nodded as he picks me up. He carries me to his room in the pack house and lays me down. "Do you want to sleep in?" he asks. I shake my head no and Cherry takes over as Max turned around to change. She takes off my shirt and jeans leaving me in bra and underwear. I quickly pull the covers over me. Max puts on sweats and slides into bed. "Night." I say. I hear him snicker and he puts an arm around my waist pulling me into him. " I love you." He whispers in my ear. " I love you too." I answer falling asleep.

( In the morning)
I wake up to Max's face. " Hey beautiful." He says kissing my. " Hey." I answer. I'm super cold and I just realized that I'm half naked. " I slept like this." I ask blushing. " Yeah you were tried last night after Midnight's birth." He explained sitting up. I do the same. Max pulls me onto his lap. " Do you miss your old pack?" He asks kissing my mark. " No no no!" I yell turning to face him. " So if you had the chance you wouldn't go back." He asks looking over my body. "No. I want to be here with you and this pack. Plus I didn't have a pack it was a herd." I giggle kissing his cheek, standing up. I through on a short and pants heading to the barn. Max closely behind.

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